Battle of the Blocks

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Hanna's POV:
I sat in the sidelines with Kyle cheering on A block, and he had the medical supplies. Kyle was like A block's medic with supplies. Pails immediately ran over with a bleeding arm.

"Quick I need a bandage! Can't managed to stab me!" Screamed Pails. Kyle quickly grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around Pails' left arm.

"Thanks bro" she said and went back to the field. I was saving my energy for the big boss of B block, or Cardinal.

Cartman and Mendez were head to head slapping each other while Cartman kept screaming "SUCK MAH BALLS"

Pails and Camry were towards the edge of the Field battling it out with sharpened popsicle sticks.
"Ya no good B block scum!" Yelled Pails.

Warner was in the process of suffocating Cole. The block was right about her. Silent but deadly. (No not like the fart).

The most intense battle on the field was between Torr and McCullough. These two old friends battling it out because they were on opposing sides. These two seemed clearly more skilled of fighters than the others.

Torr had 2 sharpened popsicle sticks and she spun round and kicked McCullough in the face. McCullough tumbled back a bit but immediately bounced back and kicked Torr in the stomach. Torr stood her ground and stabbed McCullough in the leg.

McCullough winced and fell.
"I'm not that easy Alina. Remember how I saved your ass when the shop owner asked who  tried to kill him? We both know your fingerprints were on the knife but I saved your ass"

"Oh really" snapped Torr. "Sabine you threw me under the bus when you had the chance. You betrayed me and joined B block!"

"A block was full of losers and still is" scoffed McCullough and Torr stabbed her in the  stomach.

"Don't talk about my family like that bitch" said Torr, and as McCullough started to get back up, Torr spun around with the sharpened popsicle sticks out and left a cut on McCullough's cheek.

"CMON MCCULLOUGH BEAT UP TORR THE WHORE" Yelled Cardinal. More rage built up inside of McCullough, and she stabbed and kicked McCullough until she surrendered.

"You know Sabine, this could've been an actual murder instead of an attempted one" smirked Torr and walked away. She went to fight off the rest of B block.

Occasionally A block would visit Kyle for some sort of first aid and then go back in battle. Fields Stan and Kenny took off the guards uniform and decided to join in the battle.

"None if you B block bitches are hot you all have saggy titties!" Yelled Kenny as he carried Fields into the battle. Stan just fought off one of the minor B block members towards side field.

"They need more people out there" said Kyle.

"Kyle no please don't I don't want you to get hurt" I said.

"I'm doing this for you, Hanna" said Kyle and quickly kissed me before he ran off into the battle field.

At this point all the other battles seemed irrelevant now, even Torr's. Cardinals and I were eye to eye, as if we knew who would leave victorious.

Then out of nowhere Kyle decided to ambush and stab Cardinal in the side. Cardinal winced but immediately kicked Kyle in the stomach.

"KYLE NO!" I screamed. Cardinal then put an arm around Kyle that had a sharpened popsicle stick.

"Come any closer and loverboi gets it" she said.

"How would you know he's my lover?" I asked.

"Duh! The fucking hat you retard! I know it's his" she said.

I saw the fear in Kyle's eyes, and he was shaking, but he said,
"Don't worry about me Hanna I'll be fine. Take this bitch and her minions down with all it takes"

I nodded. And then yelled,
"ITS TIME TO KRAMER THIS BITCH!" And I threw a sharpened popsicle stick but it landed in her hair. Oh crap.

Ok now I knew what u was doing. I threw 2 sharp popsicle sticks and one again landed in her hair and the other landed stabbing her in the foot.

"Haha Kramer you missed once again" she laughed.

"Oh sweetie check your foot" I said. And the moment I said that she checked her foot and freaked out, letting go of Kyle, sending him tumbling my way.

"HOLY FUCK OWWW!" She screamed. "OU BASTARD!"

"Loretta I've got tons more of those and fighters out in the field so I suggest you surrender while you still have your other foot" I said. Cardinal was surrounded by all of us from A block at this point.

She sighed.
"Fine Kramer. You win. This time. I surrender"

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