Cherry Ice and Middle Fingers

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Hanna's POV:
"Hey Kramer, ya done?" Asked a voice that belonged to Alina Torr. Not sure if she liked me but I'm hoping I won her over to our side.

Kyle and I immediately stopped kissing and both our faces turned red.

"Uh yea I'm in my way to outdoor time" I said. "Then we strike"

Torr gave me a half smile and left. Today was the day we take down B block and show them who's boss. Kyle and I made our way down for lineup and they led us out to the field.

"Battle paint on!" I said as we all, no matter what role we played, put 2 black stripes on each of our cheeks.

Cartman, Torr, Pails, and Warner prepares their sharpened popsicle sticks of weapons while Kenny Fields and Marsh stood in the corner discussing their guard stuff. Kyle stayed by my side like I wanted him to and the rest his around and also prepared for war.

B block decided to join us out on the field. I decided to start off this war.


Kenny's POV:
"Ok so it's me, depresso boy, and this hot piece of ass over here" I said. Stan rolled his eyes but didn't give a fuck.

"I'm flattered McCormick but I'm not that easy" said Fields.

There were only 2 guards outside, so this should be easy. I guess B block also had to get rid of a guard so we only had to deal with Greene.

"Just watch" I told Stan and Fields. I walked up to Greene. "Heyyy sexy remember me?"

Greene immediately cringed and seemed mortified.

"What do you want McCormick?" She asked.

"Can you please take me and my friends here to get some water?" I asked.

"Ok?" She said. The 3 of us were less inside by officer Greene, but as soon as we got tit he cafeteria, we attacked her and tied her up. To prevent her from screaming we duct taped her mouth.

"Dude why would you hit on a guard?" Asked Fields.

"I dont actually like her like that I just needed her attention cutie" I told Fields. "You're more my type"

She tried to hide her blush but it was obvious. I walked behind her and pressed myself up against her.
"I'm available if you want me" I whispered into her ear.

"Piss off Kenny" said Stan, clearly annoyed.

"We uh gotta public on the guard costume. It was part of the plan" interrupted Fields.

We proceeded to undress Officer Greene and left her in her lingerie.

"Since Greene is a female, I'll be the top and the head" said Fields.

"I'll take the body or the midsection" I said, looking towards Fields and winking.

"I guess I'm left with the legs" sighed Stan.

"Here we go!" I said as we put on Greene's uniform. We walked it as a very wonky looking Greene.

"Linda! You're supposed to be on outdoors duty!" Said a guard.

We turned in our suit, and I said,
"Oh yea just took a bathroom break sir"

"Linda why does your chest have a boner?" Asked the guard.

Fields was lost in the moment, so she said,
"Oh uhm sir sorry my titty must have slipped out" and she slapped the 'titty' which was also known as my boner. The guard walked away and then I said,

"OW! That hurts! Leave my dick alone unless you wanna suck it!"

"Shut it McPerv we almost got caught" said Fields.

"We have a set of keys and a faculty room to go visit" said Fields.

"Why?" I asked.

"Rumor says they've been hiding cheery Italian ice in here while we don't get any ice cream" said Fields, and as we opened the door, there was a freezer full of cherry Italian ice.

We made our way back down to the field where a full fledged war was taking place.

Hanna's POV:
'Officer Greene' yea I know it's Kenny Stan and Fields but they brought a whole mini fridge of cherry Italian ice. So far we were tied. But everyone ran towards the freezer screaming things along the lines of

'It's true the rumor is true!'
'Cherry ice!'

And other things. Thankfully there was only enough for A block to B block sat around ice-less.

Kyle and I sat in the side while the war happened, and Cardinal sat alone on her side. I flipped her off and she returned the favor.

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