Newly (Prison) Weds

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(Authors note // sorry this part is rly short. I didn't see the point of continuing it after the wedding so I left it at that. Still hope you enjoyed tho. I'm also adding a pic of Hanna since I forgot to before)

Hanna's POV:
Dinnertime came around, as some of the others gathered 'wedding materials' to take. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kyle smile at me. I smiled back. I felt ridiculous wearing a bedsheet but it was the closest thing we could find to a wedding gown.

"Who's gonna be your best woman?" Asked Fields.

"You of course" I told her. She smiled and hugged me. We walked into the cafeteria to see a gloomy B block.

"Lighten up bitches!" Said Pails. "I know we're on diff sides but we got ourselves a prison wedding!"

Even B block was now cheering. I guess prison weddings were blockwide. There was no official red carpet, but everyone organized the tables to create an aisle. A and B block sat at the tables, surprisingly mixed. Torr and MB were surprisingly sitting near McCullough.

Kyle's best man was Stan and my best woman was Skyler Fields. I can just call her Skyler now. In less than 24 hours we were gonna be outta here.

Warner was the flower girl, and walked down the table aisle throwing cut up pieces of construction paper, which I guess were supposed to be flower petals in a traditional setting. She smiled at me and stepped aside.

Now was my moment to shine. I was just a little blonde girl in a green Jew hat and a sheet for a wedding dress walking up a table aisle for a prison wedding. It wasn't really official, but it felt that way.

Kyle already stood up there with Pails. I made my way up to face Kyle.

"Do you, Kyle Broflovski, take Hanna Iris Kramer to be your prison wife?" Asked Pails.

"I do" said Kyle and smiled at me.

"Do you, Hanna Iris Kramer, take Kyle Broflovski as your prison husband?" Asked Pails.

"I do" I said.

"You May kiss the bride!" Said Pails and everyone cheered. Let's make this count.

Kyle pulled me close and we made out in front of the entire juvy population. A block, B block, everyone was cheering. Even Cardinal managed to smile a bit.

"NOW WE PARTY!" Screamed Pails. Kyle looked a bit confused.

"Don't worry Broflovski its prison wedding tradition" said Pails. Everyone cheered and as soon as everyone finished eating dinner, we danced. There was no real music, but it was essentially a prison wedding reception, so a few people tried to make music but it was good enough.

Kyle and I danced like there was no tomorrow. He carried me and we celebrated being newly (prison) weds.

Let's make a night you will remember. Cut up construction paper doubled as confetti as well so that was thrown around too.

Dessert was brought out, and it was actually nice for once. Ice cream sundaes. The good kind. Tables were jumped on, ice cream was eaten, confetti was thrown, and two lovers married in prison. Even Cardinal seemed to be enjoying herself.

Kyle swept me off my feet and picked me up.
"I love you" we both said as he kissed me passionately.

He still held me and I whispered in his ear. I said,

"I'll never let go"

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