One Interesting Bus Ride

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Hanna's POV:
"Well? Where the fuck is Loretta cunt-dinal?" I asked.

"She was already taken care of. She already confessed to being your getaway driver" said one of the investigators.

"But we never did anything!" Objected Cartman.

"That's not what this tape says" said the main investigator and played security footage.

"Those are just our hats. There's no real proof of our faces" said Kyle.

"Moms right" I said. "Could be anyone in our hats"

"Well it's too late now. One member already confessed to it so that means you all go to juvy" said the investigator.

"JUVY?!" We all Yelled.

"Yep now move along"  said the investigator as the police came and escorted us to a corrections bus.

Stan sat in a 2 seater and Cartman joined him. I saw Loretta at the end of the bus and I ran to her to attack her

"YOU LITTLE BITCH FRAMED US ALL" I screamed and slapped her, but she seemed just as pissed as I was.

"You realize if I wanted to get your ass in trouble I wouldn't have gotten mine in it too? Dumbass" she said.

"That's bullshit and you know it" I told her. "You were the one making comments about prison food before so it's obviously your doing"

"Hanna I did not do this I swear!" She said.

"Hmm then again you could lose a few pounds by skipping prison meals. They suck, your words" I snapped and sat down in a 2 sweater with Kyle.

"Out of all people why would you choose to sit with me?" Asked Kyle.

"Because MOM, my seating choices are either fat cunt, McPerv, or you, Mom" I said.

"Hanna why do you call me mom?" Asked Kyle.

"Hmm because of what you said back in the investigation room" I leaned close to him and he seemed to blush. "I appreciate you lookin out for me, but I'm not looking for a mom. I'm looking for a boy who would treat me right" I said and leaned away from him.

I saw some of his red curls pop out f his green hat.

"Oh look KYAHL YU FILTHY JEW ur hair and face are the same red AHAHAH!"said Cartman.

"S-shut up fatass" said Kyle after hesitating.

"Hey don't let fatso over there make fun of you" I said and playfully punched Kyle's arm.

"I'd kill to have that right next to me" said Kenny, staring at my body and wiggling his eyebrows.

"we're already going to juvy Kenny" I laughed. "Find yourself another girl to use and throw to the curb"

"Feisty playing hard to get. I like 'em like that" said Kenny.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Kyle.

"Typical Kenny" he said. We both laughed. Kenny seemed annoyed.

Kyle's POV:
Kenny obviously seemed jealous because Hanna was sitting with me. She legit shut him down and it was honestly kinda funny.

"What's wrong Kenny, not getting ALL the girls?" I joked.

"Not funny Kyle" said Kenny through gritted teeth.

"Aww don't worry Ken juvy will have many girls for you" Hanna said.

"He doesn't give up easily" I whispered to Hanna.

"Yea I can tell" she responded. I guess she noticed my red hair poking out of my hat and surprisingly she took my hat off and put it on.

"Chillax you look better with your curls out" she said as I had a mini panic attack.

"Hanna I have an Afro and Cartman-"


"That" I said and sighed.

"Cmon dude don't listen to him" said Hanna. "Besides I like your hat hope you dont mind if I keep it"

Before I could say anything, Hanna then said, "in exchange for that I'll stop calling you mom"

I sighed. "Deal" I said. Hey atleast Hanna knows who I am and now that she has my hat maybe Kenny will back the fuck off my crush. I'm just hoping Stan and Cartman don't fall for her too...

The rest of the bus ride consisted of Kenny making Pervy comments, and talking about the homer he had because of Hanna. At some point Hanna got up and slapped him and I high fived her.

I asked myself,
Are we friends?

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