The Process of Settling in

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Hanna's POV:
We finally got off the bus, and I adjusted Kyle's hat on my head.

"Officer take them to processing" said a guard.

All 6 of us were walked into the building. Immediately we were separated into groups of 2.

Cartman and Stan, Kenny and me (oh no wish me luck) and Kyle and Loretta. Poor Kyle. I was actually starting to like him and get to know him as a person.

Officer Greene led me and Kenny to a processing center. "Kenneth McCormick please  enter the room and remove any and all metals"

Normally you're supposed to strip after you enter the room for privacy, but Kenny threw off everything right then and there. Parka, T-shirt, boxers, everything.

"Feast your eyes Kramer. You're missing out on all this" said Kenny showing off his body. "My duck is bigger than Kyle's if you were wondering"

"No Kenny I'm not wondering nor am I looking" I said. Thats when Kenny hugged me from behind and pressed up against me.

Eww I could feel his boner..

"McCormick over here now!" Yelled Officer Greene as Kenny whispered "later hot stuff" and left to the processing room.

Now it was my turn. Officer Greene didn't make me strip like Kenny, but then again Kenny did it voluntarily. She just made me take off Kyle's hat and put me through the metal detector.

"You better control your little friend he tried to hook up with me" said officer Greene and I chuckled.

"That's kenny for ya" I said. I was cleared and they gave me a light blue uniform and I got Kyle's hat back too. I then met Kenny Kyle Stan Cartman and Loretta in the hall. All of us were in light blue except Loretta.

"Ew I'm in brown" She cringed. I laughed at her.

"A shitty color for a shitty person" I said. "Especially because you got us in this mess"

"I didn't do it I swear!" Said Loretta. I rolled my eyes.

"Cardinal! Block B!" Said aprison guard and led her away.

"The rest of you are in block A which is a surprise somebody must've pulled some strings to have all 5 of you in the same block" said officer Greene. She led us to our cell block.

The 5 of us were met by a bunch of dangerous people but to me they seemed like losers. I'm willing to take the chance to establish my authority. The others seemed shocked. Officer Greene left us, and before she left she said that our last names are taped onto our assigned bunk rooms and 2 per room.

"Hope I get a room with sexy" said Kenny.

"Shut it McPerv" I said. As soon as all the prison guards left the inside, and were guarding it outside, I stood up in a table.

"LISTEN UP FUCKERS!" I started. "IM THE HEAD BITCH NOW. NAMES HANNA KRAMER. ANY OBJECTIONS?!" I Yelled. No one seemed to object so I guess I just established dominance.

"damn sexy you control A-block now" said Kenny. "You can always control my di-" started Kenny but I cut him off.

"Damn you ya perverted bastard" I got off the table as the rest of us went to look for our bunks. There was about 20 of us in A-block and 10 rooms. There was a mix of boys and girls so apparently the guards could care less about gender separation.

We passed the rooms with me reading each last name.
"Harvey and Cookson, Hasting and Chandler, Brandy and Montgomery, Wilson and Nars, Scotch and Malito, Torr and Cranden, Fields and Warner, Pails and Marsh" I stopped. "Well Stan I guess that's you"

Stan sighed because he wasn't with anyone he knew and walked into his bunk. The rest of us kept walking as I kept reading off names.

"Cartman and McCormick," Kenny stopped in his tracks.

"The fuck?!" He said. "Why the hell am I with fatass?!"

"Not my rules" I said as Kenny sighed and went into the bunk with Cartman.

"Well Kyle that just leaves us" I said. We both walked into our little crappy bunk. There was a bunk bed, and a little shelf for us to put our things if we had any. I immediately ran up to the top bunk.

"I call dibs!" I said.

"Of course" said Kyle rolling his eyes but smiling. "Your head Bitch of A-block"

"You know Kyle, a leader doesn't work alone" I said. "By the way I'm keeping my cozy crown"

Kyle laughed. "So uh wanna so something fun before dinner?" He asked.

Was he asking me out? Probs not.
"What is there to do in this shithole?" I jokingly asked, but then a pillow came flying towards me.

"Oh Kyle you're on" I said and slapped him with a pillow

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