What About Us?

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Kyle's POV:
"Well a rose would be nice, but the fact that you mentioned smuggling shit up your ass is quite disturbing" I said.

"It's a joke dumbass I have different ways of smuggling. Using your asshole is for desperate newbs" said Fields. "Thought a rose is still unrealistic"

"Chocolates maybe?" I suggested.

"Now you're talkin" said Fields. "I don't do this shit for free so you're gonna owe me"

"What do you want for it?" I asked.

"Your pudding for the next 3 meals" she said.

I hesitated. Goddammit.
"Fine deal" I said. We shook on it and returned to Hanna's battle plan.

Hanna's POV:
"We'll need people sharpening popsicle sticks since we don't have real weapons" I said. "Also markers- the red ones because they make it look like a bloody battle"

A quiet red haired girl brought over a handful of red markers.

"Warner?" I asked. She nodded and kept bringing red markers.

"We've gotta divide up the popsicle sticks and red markers we don't have enough for everyone to have both" I said.

Scotch started calculating the ratio of markers to popsicle sticks to people.

"I can help out Stan the man" said Fields and playfully punched Stan in the arm. Stan looked confused but also like he gave no fucks.

"Ok Fields, Marsh, you're on guard and guard distraction" I said. Figure why not give them some *alone time* because I can definitely tell something's happening.

"Our main goal is to take down Loretta. This bitch put me in here so she's gonna pay" I said. "B block better be prepared for war because A block is gonna kick ass"

"What size we talking about?" Smirked Kenny.

"Ugh. The ugly deformed gross kind that you dont wanna smash Kenny" I said. 'I've learned how to talk to McPerv over there'

"Oh then hell is upon Bitch Block because A block is gonna bring our A game" said Kenny.

"Those bitches better be prepared for war" said Fields.

"You think Pails got any luck with Torr?" I asked.

"Who knows? Both are unpredictable" Responded Fields.

"LIGHTS OUT!" Yelled one of the guards. I quickly folded up the battle plans and shoved them in my pocket. The others  helped put away potential weapons and hide them. Then again red markers are red markers in plain sight.

We all said good night to each other and retreated to our bunks.

I climbed up onto mine and then took off my pants and threw them.

"The heck?" Said Kyle. Apparently they landed on Kyle.

"Who the fuck sleeps with pants?" I asked.

"These are yours" he said and awkwardly gave me my pants back, trying not to look at me. Unlike Kenny Kyle actually respects my privacy.


Kyle kept tossing and turning, and I couldn't tell what was bothering him, so I decided to climb down the ladder and I sat on his bed.

"Hey Kyle" I said. He stopped and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Uhhh nothing" he said.

"Cmon Kyle don't lie to me. You've been tossing and turning all night and it's kept me awake. Somethings up" I said.

"I-I'm sorry for keeping you up, Hanna" said Kyle and blushed.

"Normally I'd say call me Kramer but screw that right now"

"I miss home" he said. Couldn't tell if he was lying or not but I decided not to push it.

"Come here" I said and I scooted myself over to him and hugged him. Neither of us cared at that point about if I was wearing pants or not.

I took another look at him, and he was out cold. His head rested on my shoulder with closed eyes and uncontrollable ginger curls got in my face. I don't know how, but Kyle crashed.

I brushed a piece of his ginger curls out of his face. I pulled the covers over him, and kissed his cheek. Don't know what he was dreaming about, but a smile appeared on his face right after.

I took one last glance at my light blue prison uniform pants, and flipped them off.

Don't know what or why, but I decided to lay beside Kyle, and I put my arm around him.

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