Closer Ties

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Hanna's POV:
All of A block was cheering for me, and right when Kyle gave me a celebratory kiss, the rest of the block lifted me up and cheered
"HANNA KRAMER! A BLOCK'S BEST BITCH!" Over and over. I felt like a goddamn hero. B block just walked back to their block in defeat.

We grabbed the remaining cherry ice and ate it on the way back. The moment we all got back inside, we settled in and had a mini victory party.

Moments later a guard walked in and yelled, "WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGE IF THE FIELD?!"

I smirked. "Oh sir it was hat nasty girl Loretta Cardinal" I said.

"Thanks kid" said the guard and left.

We continued partying as much as we realistically could in juvy. Sometimes I forget we're in juvy and just enjoy the people around me. Another guard cane in. Oh no I swear to god if Loretta is trying to continue this war by blaming the field on us...

"Cartman, McCormick, Kramer, Broflovski, Marsh and Fields you're getting out tomorrow. The five of you have been proven innocent by a strange Jewish lawyer and Fields your time is up" said the guard. What a relief!

All 6 of us cheered.

"Since were being let out tomorrow I gotta day something Kenny" said Fields. Kenny looked at her in surprise.

"Actually there's no need to say anything" said Kenny who then grabbed Fields and made out with her.

"How cute" commented Pails.

"HAHAHA KIINEEY AND FIEEELDS SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Laughed Cartman. Kenny too a short break from making out with Fields.

"I think you meant F-U-C-K-I-N-G Cartman" said Kenny. Fields laughed and blushed.

"Kenny we're like 10 stop it" she said. "And you can call me Skyler" while they continued to make out, we jumped on tables, are snacks, yes even contraband that Skyler smuggled in, and overall just had fun. Party animals, amirite?

Later on we all calmed down, and Fields cane up to me.
"You know it's tradition for the head bitch and whoever her lover is to have a prison wedding" she said.

"Oh cmon do we have to?" I asked jokingly. Kyle was talking to Stan and I smirked.

"Guess what Kyle?! We're getting married!" I said and jumped off the table. He seemed very confused but smiled anyway.

I ran up to my bunk with Fields.
"Hanna I'll be right back I'll go make the wedding arrangements" she said.

I sat on my bunk. I'm getting married. Not married married but prison married.

I couldn't help it. I smiled thinking about it. I'm going to be Hanna Broflovski! Fields ran up to my bunk moments later.

"Since you're leaving tomorrow, as am I, the weddings gonna be at dinner" said Fields.

"But won't B block revolt?" I asked.

"No they lost so they can't do anything now until the next Block wars if we even have one" said Fields. "Since we don't exactly have a wide variety for wedding dresses, you'll be in your sheets"

I laughed but then said "ok"

Kyle's POV:
Apparently there's gonna be a prison wedding? Hanna and I loved each other but prison marriage? Damn these people are strange.

Scotch led me up to my room, and said
"This is important. It's tradition for the head bitch and whoever she falls in love with to have a prison wedding. Sure it's not really official, but it marks words into stone here"

"Ok so what do I need to do?" I asked him.

"You choose your best man, and it's basically like a normal wedding, except we don't have an arch, and instead of flower petals we have cut up construction paper and instead of rings we use bent paper clips. Your girlfriend will probably be wearing a mattress sheet" said Scotch.

I laughed at the thought of this prison wedding.

"Oh yea and it's happening tonight at dinner time because both of you are being let out tomorrow" mentioned Scotch.

I'm not sure if I was excited or nervous or just really, really confused. 

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