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christina and rylee were both currently getting ready to go to dinner with the boys. christina bounced her legs due to her excitement of seeing her boyfriend. rylee found it cute how much love christina had for corbyn. although, she was perfectly fine on her own she did wish deep down she had someone too.

rylee had to admit she was pretty nervous about meeting these boys, although, she didn't know much of a reason why. she tapped her fingers as she watched christina finish up her makeup.

christina was very concentrated as she filled in her eyebrows, quickly moving her eyes to look at her best friend then back to herself. "stop staring at me, it's creepy." she mumbled.

rylee's cheeks warmed up slightly as she laughed it off. "sorry."

christina giggled and continued to do her makeup. she knew that the boys and rylee would get along fairly well so she wasn't very worried about it, but she also knew that rylee did get somewhat anxious when it came to meeting new people.

christina checked the time before deciding it was time to head out and ordered an uber, letting rylee know that it was time to go.

the two made their way downstairs and in the area the uber's suppose to pick them up, both laughing and telling jokes, talking about the most random things as they usually did.

the car ride there, rylee admired everything around her. it truly was such a beautiful place to be but there was also so many people there.

arriving at the restaurant, rylee felt butterflies in her stomach, something that tended to happen when she was nervous or anxious. she picked at her nails and christina took notice in this and pushed her hands apart assuring her everything would be fine and there's absolutely no reason for her to be nervous.

christina texted corbyn to figure out if they were there yet or what exactly was going on. right after sending the text, christina suddenly squealed, making rylee turn around to see what  was going on. she smiled seeing christina in corbyns arms, happy for her best friend.

a few moments later, christina decided she would introduce rylee to the boys.

smiling, she pulled rylee towards her a bit more. rylee had a small smile on her face as well.

"rylee, this is zach, daniel, jonah and jack. guys this is rylee, my bestfriend." she said, pointing to each boy, not including corbyn since rylee had already met him a few times before.

she gave a small wave as the boys said their hellos and everyone decided to head inside. surprisingly, they were quick to get a table which was odd considering there was seven people but they didn't complain.

corbyn and christina sat beside eachother with zach and jonah in the same row and daniel, jack and rylee on the other side with one seat left open.

everyone began talking, rylee not really saying much because the only person she knew here was christina and corbyn and they were engaged in conversation, catching up with one another.

the waitress soon made her way over, taking the order of their drinks before letting them know she'd be back soon. rylee began looking over the menu, unsure of what she was really wanting to eat. christina didn't notice she wasn't really talking but daniel did.

"so, rylee right?" he questioned, stopping in the middle of his conversation with jack.

rylee looked up, her legs bouncing due to her nervousness. "uh, yeah. daniel, right?" she asked as well, somewhat mimicking how he had said it.

daniel smiled and nodded and jack spoke this time. "you live in new york too, right?"

rylee smiled, happy they were making an effort to include her and helping her (without them necessarily knowing it) feel less uncomfortable.

she began talking to jack and daniel, zach soon joining in and soon jonah too but argued with daniel about a movie.

they soon received their drinks and then ordered their food. as rylee spoke to the waitress, christina couldn't help but notice jack looking at her in some kind of way and smirked, elbowing corbyn and motioning towards them. but she rolled her eyes as he didn't understand what exactly it was she was talking about.

once everyone ordered their food, everyone began talking again, continuing their conversations and starting new ones. jack and rylee were in their own little conversation, daniel joining in every now and then.

christina directed her attention over to her every now and then just to make sure her friend was okay because she knew sometimes she just wasn't.

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