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finally, the seven got back to the why don't we house and rylee had calmed down a bit by now.

everyone went off, doing their own thing as jack and rylee made their way outside. the two of them always found themselves outside, talking and enjoying each others company.

jack hesitated, not knowing if he should bring up what had happened earlier in the day. "ry.. are you okay?" he asked, moving a strand of her hair behind her ear and looking more towards her.

rylee looked at him, sadness able to be seen in her eyes as she tried to find the words to say. "i am now.. it was just when i was being grabbed and separated from christina i sorta panicked.."

jack nodded in understandment, giving her a reassuring smile. "i'm sorry, i should've stayed with you.."

rylee furrowed her eyebrows, leaning against him. "don't apologize, it's not your fault." she responded, looking up at him.

looking down at her, he smiled. tilting her head up some more before leaning down, connecting his lips with hers.

she repositioned herself in attempt to get more comfortable, smiling through the kiss.

she didn't know exactly what was going on between her and jack, but what she did know was that he made her happy.

as they pulled apart, jack biting her bottom lip slightly, rylee giggled, looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes that neither of them could determine at the moment.

"so did you like our performance?" jack questioned, changing the subject.

rylee gave him a smile and nodded. "you guys did amazing. christina yelled at me several times though because i didn't know all of your songs." she admitted, giving him an overdramatic frown.

jack gasped, placing a hand over his heart, acting hurt. "you don't even know all of our songs?! fake." he said, crossing his arms and looking the other way as rylee laughed.

"oh come on, i knew most of them!" she exclaimed, gently grabbing his face, making him look at her.

it was one the those cliche moments where you get lost in someone's eyes for jack. but it was happening and it was real.

every time he looked at her, into her eyes, he found himself in a trance. her and her presence gave him a new profound happiness. he liked everything there was about her, her flaws and not.

"ry! you ready to head out?" christina asked, yelling quite loudly.

rylee gave her a quick 'yeah' and stood, jack standing along with her.

"you did amazing.. i'm glad i got to see you." she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"thank you. i'm glad you came." his voice low.

the two leaned in, their lips connecting only for a moment or two until christina's voice was heard again, telling rylee that they're going.

pulling apart, rylee frowned a little, not really wanting to leave but knowing she couldn't stay forever.

"i'll see you tomorrow," jack spoke softly, giving her a small smile and a kiss on her forehead.

"okay," she smiled, voice barely above a whisper. "bye jack."

"bye rylee."

the two parted from one another, smiles on both of their faces. they were falling for each other pretty quickly and they knew it deep down, but couldn't find it in themselves to admit it.

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