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it didn't take long for jack to arrive. as soon as he knocked on the door, rylee perked up, taking a breath before making her way to the door.

she smiled when she saw jack, the two exchanging their hellos and her inviting him in.

they asked each other how their days were, the conversation seeming a bit awkward at first but soon they grew more comfortable and were talking about the weirdest things.

"so what do you wanna do?" rylee questioned, sitting beside him on her bed as she fixed her bun.

jack shrugged, giving her a smile. "i have no clue. whatever you want."

she groaned, frowning because she didn't know either. "i don't know. watch a movie?" she suggested, shrugging.

jack have a small nod, moving slightly closer to her. "sounds good to me." he said, smiling.

rylee pulled out her laptop since she already had netflix on there, scrolling through the movies trying to find one they'd both enjoy.

eventually, they decided on a movie neither of them have seen but seemed quite interesting.

throughout the movie, the two were stealing glances at one another every now and then and making comments on the movie.

a tear fell from rylees eye as she watched the movie. "aw that's so sad," she said, frowning.

"are you crying?" jack questioned in, frowning as well.

"i mean, i'm not crying. it's just sad." rylee told him, directing her attention towards him as she wiped the tear from her face.

jack was already looking at her and once again the found themselves in a trance, staring at one another as rylee took in the few freckles that covered his face. moments later, they found themselves leaning in somewhat slowly.

rylee took one more look at him, deciding to just go for it and as her lips were only centimeters from his they were interrupted.

"rylee, dude you'll never-" christina began, walking into the room, not realizing jack was there.

the two jumped apart from each other, both blushing as they were somewhat flustered.

christina instantly felt bad for ruining a moment she wanted her best friend to have. "oh- i'm sorry. did i interrupt something?" she questioned, already knowing she did.

"no!" they both answered quickly before turning to each other and giving awkward smiles.

it was silent for a moment before jack stood. "i should probably get going.. i'll see you tomorrow maybe?" he asked, looking at rylee.

"uh yeah, for sure." she said, giving him a small smile.

he smiled back, giving her a hug. "bye ry," he said, just above a whisper as he kissed her cheek, noticing her pink cheeks due to her blushing.

"bye christina." he smiled, giving her a small wave as he left the room. instantly smiling but also disappointed he didn't get to kiss the girl he had fallen for in the last few days.

christina frowned, feeling terrible. "i'm so sorry. oh my gosh i'm the worst friend." she said, face palming as she sat on the bed.

"no it's okay, you probably saved the situation." rylee shrugged, getting up and putting her laptop back.

christina furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding what she was saying. "what do you mean?"

rylee shrugged once more before sighing. "i don't know. he would've probably regretted if anything did happen and told me it was a mistake. so you saved me from that." she explained.

christina frowned, her heart aching as she listened to what rylee was saying. "ry, jacks not like that. he really likes you.." she spoke softly, looking at her with sad eyes.

rylee shrugged a third time not saying much.

christina was upset that she was thinking this way and moved to sit near her. "why are you saying this?" she asked.

"i don't know, it's just- jack has all these girls- these beautiful girls. and i don't see why he'd be interested in me." rylee admitted, looking away as she began cleaning unnecessarily.

"what?" christina questioned, shocked at the reply she had received. "rylee, you're insanely beautiful. i can tell jack really does like you even if you guys met like four days ago. you guys just click." she said, smiling.

rylee nodded, giving christina a small smile before changing the subject and asking about dinner.

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