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that night, rylee didn't sleep much. instead, she found herself sitting on the balcony once again, wrapped in a blanket as she was on facetime with the curly headed boy she found interest in.

after some time, jack had fallen asleep after arguing with rylee for a good twenty minutes about not being tired but his eyes closing against his wishes.

rylee sat outside, wrapping the blanket around herself tighter, trying to get some more warmth. the reflection of the lights from the city able to be seen in her eyes.

it was odd because some nights she was able to sleep perfectly fine, maybe falling asleep at a late hour but overall she could sleep. while there were other nights she couldn't find herself able to sleep.

sometimes it was because she was overthinking and she was too anxious to sleep while other times it was simply because she didn't feel tired. she didn't feel the need to sleep.

standing, keeping the blanket wrapped around her, she leaned against the railing, looking down and just admiring whatever it was she could. she played music in hopes it would calm her and her mind, maybe helping her sleep somehow.

checking her phone, she sighed, 5:48 am.

jack had fallen asleep hours ago and since then she's been on the balcony, enjoying the view, online shopping, reading and editing her video.

it was moments like this she enjoyed. the peacefulness, being surrounded in her own company as the breeze falls against her face, giving her skin a nice feeling. the wind moving against her hair, causing it to fly in all different directions but overall just feeling peaceful.

although it wasn't exactly silent in la and every now and then there'd be a noise that completely ruined the quietness that she enjoyed, it didn't bother her much. she loved cities.

it was a big thing she had a love/hate relationship with. she found cities beautiful, how the buildings light up at night and all of the unique places they always seemed to have along with the amazing things that go on. but usually, cities contain a ton of people. and sometimes it's like you're surrounded by thousands of people but you're just so alone because you don't know a single one of them and not many are very friendly.

it upset her because you'd think with all of the people, it'd make you feel less lonely but it's the complete opposite. and though it's a disappointing factor about cities, she still found plenty of things she loved about them.

a few hours later, after enjoying the sunrise, she made her way inside deciding to get ready for the day and have an early start.

it was around ten a.m and she knew christina would be waking up soon but she just wanted to adventure on her own for a while.

grabbing a pen and paper, she wrote a small note, letting her friend know that she went out so she doesn't think anything else.

hey goodmorning to you. i went out to explore the city and get some breakfast along with some coffee. text me when you wake up :) love you.

grabbing her bag and key, she made her way downstairs, giving the woman at the desk a friendly wave as she left the building.

she pulled out her phone, looking for a small cafe she could go to and began to just walk there, wanting to enjoy her morning in la.

soon arriving at the cafe, she ordered herself a muffin along with coffee, getting the largest size there was.

she loved coffee. it was an obsession that seemed to come out of no where but she didn't mind it one bit.

she sat near the window at a small two person table once she had received her order, checking her social media's along with whether or not christina had texted her yet.

rylee put her phone down for some time, observing the small cafe along with whatever was going on outdoors on the streets, taking some more time to herself since you could never get enough.

christina had woken up, not noticing the note right away and going into panic mode when she couldn't find rylee anywhere. as she went to grab her phone, her eyes had made their way to the note, reading over it quickly before smiling to herself.

sending rylee a quick text she began getting ready as well, ready to meet her best friend wherever she was, planning on exploring with her.

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