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rylee watched from inside her shared hotel room as the rain fell from the gray sky. it was a rare rainy day in los angeles and although it wasn't her ideal choice of weather, she still found enjoyment in the day.

christina was once again out with corbyn along with a few other friends she had here while rylee was editing her video, wanting to get it done while she had the motivation.

as she was finishing up, her phone began to ring, slowly moving to grab it she noticed it was jack and instantly smiled.

as the call connected, jack appeared on the screen, a smile on his face. "hey beautiful!" he greeted.

rylee couldn't help but smile and rolled her eyes playfully. "hi handsome," she said, winking.

jack laughed a little, shaking his head. "come hang out with usssss." he whined, pouting.

"well i'm almost done editing my video and then i guess i can." she told him, looking to her laptop screen and back to jack,

"WOOOOOOO" he shouted, louder than needed.

rylee looked at him as if he was crazy before laughing once again. "i'll text you when i'm on my way."

"can't wait to see you."

her heart fluttered as the call ended, smiling to herself for a moment just at the thought of jack before continuing to edit her video.

when she did finish, she got up going towards her clothes to get something out for the day. since the weather wasn't the best, she had somewhat of an excuse to be lazy and wear whatever. she didn't see any point in doing anything crazy getting ready since she was only going to see the boys. throwing her hair up and placing her glasses on, she grabbed her bag and phone and headed out.

"thank you," she smiled as she left the uber, heading up to the boys front door.

knocking, the door opened almost immediately, daniel greeting her with a smile.

extending his arm, welcoming her in he gave her a small wave. "hey rylee," he said.

i furrowed my eyebrows, noticing none of the other boys and turned to daniel, confused. "hey, where are the guys?" she asked, moving more into the house. moments after she asked, zach had popped out from behind something causing her to let out a small scream.

covering her face with her hands and then looking at him with wide eyes. "what are you doing!?" she questioned, shocked.

zach along with daniel were to busy laughing to reply and that's when jonah had popped out, scaring her once more.

the three laughing as she held a hand on her heart, shaking her head. she turned quickly once she felt arms wrapped around her. but once she saw jack she smiled, saying hi.

jack laughed as her mood changed completely from a moment ago when the two had scared her. "you're so cute." he told her, kissing her cheek.

blushing, she smiled and turned to hug him. "so what're we doing today?" she questioned, pulling away from jack.

"well considering it's raining, there's not much we could really do." jonah said, speaking as if it was obvious.

rolling her eyes, she gave him a look. "thank you for letting me know. i didn't even notice." she spoke sarcastically.

jonah gave her a sarcastic smile, "you're so welcome!" he replied, louder than needed.

"we could go watch a movie?" jack suggested, speaking softly to rylee and pulling her towards her couch when she nodded.

deciding on a movie, the two of them sat cuddled together as the rest of the boys went off doing their own thing. as the movie started jack noticed rylees gaze on him. turning, he smiled due to her already smiling.

"what?" he asked, tilting his head as they smiled at one another.

blushing rylee shook her head, trying to hide he she smile. "you're just so cute."

jack looked down, licking his lips as a smile formed. "i think i should be the one telling you that." he said, talking slowly as he placed his hand on her cheek, his thumb moving across it.

looking from his lips and back to his eyes, rylee couldn't help herself, connecting her lips with his softly.

smiling through the kiss, jack tightened his grip on her jaw, his other hand going to her leg. he really liked this girl and from what he assumed, she really liked him too.

pulling away, rylee took a breath, smiling wide. "i really really like you, jack," she admitted, her face still close to his.

connecting his lips with her once more, he pulled away, looking deep into her eyes. "i really really like you too, rylee."

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