Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

I woke up after sensing a bright light in the room and groaned in annoyance.

"Ugh...why is it morning?" I muttered under my breath.

"Because it's time to wake up." I heard Gaara say.

"Wah. I don't wanna." I whined.

"I'll make you get out."

"But whyyy?"

"You need to eat and take your medication. I already made breakfast for you."

"Hmph. Fine." I pouted rolling off of the bed.

I was lifted up by Gaara and I yelped in surprise as he carried me to the kitchen. He set me down at the table and left to go get food from the kitchen as well as a drink for my medication. He brought everything and served me then himself.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Its not a big deal."

I took my medicine first, then began to eat my cereal Gaara had made for me. He ate across from me and I began to peel an orange that happened to be in front of me.

"I'm suddenly craving oranges..." I muttered as I bit into a slice.

"Do you want me to get some?" Gaara asked ready to get up.

"No, it's okay. I just wanted one at the moment."

"Are you sure?"



After we ate, Gaara said that he wanted to train, which made sense since he was to go up against Sasuke soon and he hadn't trained in a while.

"Okay. I'll come with you."

"But I don't want you to get hurt. I'm worried about the baby."

"Then I could watch you and throw weapons instead."

"That could work."

He took our plates and took my hand as sand surrounded us and teleported us in front of the lake we visited not too long ago.

I jumped onto a branch and unrolled a scroll with my weapons sealed inside.

"You ready?" I asked.

Gaara nodded and I made a few clones to hide them in the surrounding area.

"Don't hesitate to attack the clones. They're there for a reason." I said.

He nodded and the clones got their weapons ready.

I had a few throw shuriken and two others jumped out to attack Gaara with their own copy of my favorite katana.

Gaara easily shielded himself but I had one sneak behind and use a paper bomb to hit his blind spot.

Just as it would've made contact, the sand blocked it and Gaara looked at me with wide eyes.

"Paper bombs?" He asked.

"I never said I wouldn't throw them at you." I responded by throwing more paper bombs.

I jumped into a nearby tree and hid carefully as I had the clones try to attack him, but of course, to no avail.

'Should I use psychic jutsu? Probably to strengthen his mentality.' I thought as I made the necessary hand signs.

"Hiragana Clan Secret Ninja Art: Spiritual Control Jutsu!" I whispered.

I felt myself enter his subconscious and it felt really crowded and packed inside.

'Why is it so crowded?' I thought. 'Gaara, you need to be aware that that you can't look at my eyes directly.'



'I hate it when you do this to me.' He whined.

'Are you going to say that when an enemy corrupts your mind? No, so shut up and try to fight back.'

I could sense his frustration at trying to block me out, but after all, he practically already has another mind in his own. This was meant as training, not playing around.

'Try harder. Try calming your mind and have absolutely nothing to think about.' I advised.

His frustration was clearing and he inhaled and exhaled slowly.

It was now more difficult to stay inside of his mind. It felt like I was getting crushed against a wall, almost as if I were going to be flattened.

'That's it! Keep going, you're almost there.' I said encouraging him.

With a final try, I was released from his mind. I jumped out of the tree and walked towards him. He faced me panting heavily from the exhaustion removing me caused.

"Congratulations Gaara. You have taken the first step in countering mind ninjutsu." I said happily.

"Did you have to use that jutsu on me?" He asked.

"Yup. You wanted to train right?" I asked.


"Lets do this again. Remember, you absolutely CAN NOT look at my eyes or else you will fall under my jutsu. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."



HALLO! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm posting this early because I'm going on a camping trip from now (Thursday) to Sunday :'( I'VE BEEN GOING TO THE SAME DAMN RIVER FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS WITH THE SAME PEOPLE AND UGH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I'M 16 YEARS OLD AND I CAN'T STAND THE SIGHT OF THAT CAMPSITE OR THE ANNOYING PEOPLE.

For those of you people who have never been camping, understand that it is very stressful. Packing, dealing with incompetent peasants who can not survive without freeloading off of others, and this may be shocking to some people (although it doesn't bother me, I can't say the same for my sister), no wifi. At least I can catch up on my AP U.S History reading :/

Until the next upload!



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