Chapter 20

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Red Nation: Chapter 20

~Lexis P.O.V.~

After I ate I headed back upstairs and just wanted to get my sleep on.

I walk in and find Nelle naked on the bed.

"Nelle its supposed to be chilly so I'ma direct you to the dresser so you can dress accordingly." I laughed.

"I'll be fine. Come here."

"We're not fucking so you can calm yourself."

"You saying no? What's wrong with you? Who's the bitch now?"

"The bitch is our bed and I've been sleeping with it for many years now." I crawled on the bed and laid sprawled out on my back.

"Lexis why are you saying no?" Why you pressin' ?

"Because I can."

"You of all people to say no. I'm truly shocked." She started pulling on my shorts till I was just in my boxers. I'm just lettin' her do her.

"I'm full of surprises." I said as I rested my hands behind my head. "You think you know me but you don't."

"I hate you."

"Well then girl I can't stand you." I laughed and she mugged me.

"Go away."

"I'm stayin' right here, where you goin?" She was getting more and more pissed and I was just loving it too much.


"That's what they call me, what's up Shawty?"

"Fuck you."

"I know that's what you want but why?" She was straddling me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I still think you should get a tattoo by the way. Would look sexy against your skin color."

"Because I love you and ew no. Tattoos aren't my thing." I rolled my eyes.

"I love you too Nelle Bells."

"Then fuck me." She demanded. Ooooh damn, she demandin' shit now?

"Wow, how bad you want it?"

"Bad. Real bad."

"So if I said no again, what would you do?"

"Divorce you." She laughed.

"Over dramatic-dick-wanting ass." I said with a smirk. "I 'ont like that "D" word."

"You know what "D" word I love?" Oh my God.

"Chanelle!" I yelled with a roaring laugh.

"Lexis you're-" I pulled her down and kissed her slowly. I rolled us over so I was on top of her and I just wanted to kiss her for a little while. Not just straight to the sex, I wanna enjoy my Nelle-

There was a knock on the door.

"Ignore it." Nelle said against my lips.

"Lexis ! Nelle !" I heard Varo yell. I was about to pull away but Nelle wouldn't let me so I continued to just ignore Varo. "I'm about to hot wire your Audi-" I've never put on shorts and raced down the stairs faster than I just did. That was some Olympic type sprinting goin' on.

"What you want?" I asked as I opened the door. "Awe hey Natalia." I smiled.

"Can you watch her for the night? I saw a few of AJ's goons walkin' around and I wanted to investigate, well I need someone to watch her."

"Yee I got you." He handed her to me along with her stuff. "They around our trap or?"

"Nah I just saw 'em walking the streets and my nosey ass wants to know what they're up to." Fair enough. "I'll come and get her tomorrow. Thanks Lexis."

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