Chapter 1

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My desk telephone starts ringing. I know who it is but right now I'm busy, way too busy stalking my boss. So I let it almost go to voicemail before realizing it's indeed my boss calling.

"Vi, come to my office, please." his British accent sounds thicker through the phone. He doesn't even give me the chance to say anything over the phone.

I get up, adjusting my pencil skirt and button-down shirt on the way. I need a new shirt, my boobs almost slip out of this one. Thank you, laundry.

His door is slightly open. "Boss?" I call out.

"Yeah, Vi, come in," his voice is distant and I open the door. I think it's really sweet of him to call me Vi. He knows all my friends and coworkers call me that and he wasted no time calling me like that.

"Close it behind you, please." I nod and close the door, his nose is buried on the iMac on his desk and he types fast.

I stand there for a few moments and take in his beautiful sight. His long nose, his full lips, the little scruff on his face, his thick brown hair until his blue eyes meet mines.

"I need a favor from you. Can you cancel my meetings for the rest of the afternoon, reschedule them for tomorrow and find me an Ophthalmologist? I think I need reading glasses, my eyes burn." he blinks a couple of times I need to hold a smile.

"Sure, anything else?"

"No, that's all," he smiles and goes back to facing the screen "Thanks, Vi, you're the best," he calls out as I'm closing the door.

I love working here. Carter is the best boss I could ever ask for. He's sweet, funny, and very generous on the amount of money he pays.

I absolutely adore my work, I may be his assistant but I'm the one who runs everything whenever he's not around. Give him new ideas all the time, I even stay late for work most times.

I'm about to sit on my desk when the telephone rings back again.


"Vi, sorry. Can you come back in here?"


I walk back into his office and this time he's not typing on the keyboard, he's looking at me, he's giving me all the attention in the world. His eyes travel up my body and lock on my breasts. He snaps quickly, realizing he's staring and clears his throat.

"Do you have any plans for this afternoon and evening?" his hands are clasped together and his sleeves are now rolled up. Those arm veins. Control yourself, Olivia!

"Uh... no? I don't think so," I struggle with words. Why is he asking me this? I'm sure it's for professional purposes.

"Good. Would you mind covering me up in the meetings instead and join me for dinner afterward so we can discuss how they went?" his brow raises slightly as he waits for my response.

Wait a second. My boss, my sexy as sin boss asked me to join him for dinner.

"Sure, yeah," I try my best to sound normal. And not be super excited about this dinner. I remind myself, this is a business dinner, not a date!

"Perfect, I'll pick you up whenever you're ready," he gets up and picks his suit jacket.

"Didn't you want me to find you an Ophthalmologist?" I walk before him as he closes his office door.

"It's not necessary, I'll do it myself. Get ready for the meeting, it's in thirty minutes I'm guessing?" I nod as I walk next to him.

"Alright, text me when you're done. I'll be here by seven anyway," I nod again, completely speechless.

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