Chapter 14

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IMPORTANT: By writing this scene, I hope I don't offend anyone. Love you all so very much! 8K already 🤘


"Keep it quiet," Carter repeats and lowers me once more onto his face.

I should've known better. I can't keep quiet, not when I'm sitting on his face and his mouth is doing wonders. I close my eyes and bite my lip, my nails are digging into the wood of the bed and there's going to be some scratches there.

"Carter," I whisper but he keeps going, he licks me right where I need him and I can't bring myself to stop him. God, help me. "I swear, Carter, I'm not going to keep it down, stop," I moan, my nails dug even harder if possible into the headboard of the bed as my head falls forward. Shit.

His hands grab my hips tighter and I'm trapped, I'm getting this orgasm.

"Fuck," my eyes roll to the back of my head and a small moan escapes my lips.

"What did I say?" he growls as he puts me back on the bed.

"To keep it quiet," I whisper.

"To keep it quiet?" he raises a brow and his hands work on getting those pants out.

"Yes," I push the babydoll strap up.

"Yes what?" his hand closes around my throat and I smile.

"Yes, daddy," I smirk wider and he presses a kiss to my mouth.

"Get that babydoll out, you don't have anything else to sleep for tonight, and I'd hate to tear it to pieces," his pants drop along with his boxers and the desire to have him inside of me grows ten times.

"Get that ass up in the air," he demands and God forbid I do otherwise "Jesus," he grunts as he gets inside of me, I hide my face between the covers maybe that will make the urge to scream go away.

He has fucked me so many times, in so many ways, and every time it just gets better and better. I can't get tired of it, it doesn't get less interesting and I'm so fucking lost. I know there's no turning back now, I just couldn't even if I wanted to.

God knows, it's been almost three weeks, he gave me a week to fall in love with him, my apartment is almost ready and the reality is, I'm not ready to go back, I don't want to go back.

"Should I let you come?" he whispers in my ear and I manage to nod.

"Please," I whisper back before he kisses me behind my ear and on my shoulder blades "Please, daddy," I beg.

We're laying in bed together, it's eight and dark outside, we still haven't had dinner although we're starving. We just don't get up from the bed.

"I'm freaking scared of commitment," I start "And you know that, and you also know that I love you, very much. I just need you to bring me back if I ever chicken out, okay? I want to be with you because you have the biggest dick," I chuckle "Also because you charmed me the fuck up, and I love you," I kiss him softly, no rush, no roughness.

"I promise to bring you back if you ever do so, my love," he smiles and presses another kiss to my mouth "Although, we do need food. I'll ask the chef for some lobster and some shrimps, yeah?" I nod and kiss him again.

I don't remember smiling this wide in such a long time, I'm happy, I'm finally happy.

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