Chapter 8

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Fuck if I was happy when Vi called in sick, not that she had too because I'm the fucking boss. It doesn't matter that we fucked so many times between last night and this morning because my dick is always hard and ready for more action.

I love how responsive she is, how tight she feels, how wet she gets and honestly? How she's so fucking crazy and gives me that innocent look while we fuck. That turns my whole world upside down, makes me go crazy.

I love how submissive she is when I give her orders and when she tied me up last night? Fuck, that was the most erotic thing I ever experienced. How she rode me like her life depended on it and how hard she made me come.

"Awake in there?" she smiles at me and I move, settling between her legs.

"Again?" she gasps and bites her lip, I don't know how many times we've gotten off for the last hours but damn, I want more.

"Hell yeah, again," I grin and kiss her hard.

In seconds I'm inside of her again, she's pulsing and for a few moments, I don't move. I just stay there and enjoy how good she feels.

I'm grabbing her hips so hard I'm sure she'll have marks later but I can't bring myself to stop.

And if there was something else that made me go crazy was when I choked her and she called me daddy while grabbing my wrist as I fucked her harder and faster. It's the innocence in her wild eyes that made me fall apart, that and her milking my cock.

I know that now that I had a taste nothing else will compare. She has ruined every pussy out there but I don't care because as long as I have her sweet cunt I don't need anything else.

"Fuck," she struggles to breathe beneath me and her fingers move on my hair.

"That good for you, princess?" I ask her that but I know the answer by the way she trembled while coming.

"You have such a big ego," she chuckles "But, yes. So good," she runs her nails on my back as I hide my face on her neck, losing myself on her scent.

We both fall asleep after that and by the time we wake up on the late afternoon, Tallulah is also sleeping at our feet.

I don't have the heart to wake her up, instead, I walk downstairs and order our favorite. Our. God, I'm so fucked.

She told me she wasn't looking for commitment and here I am talking in the plural. It doesn't matter, she gave me a week. A week to show her how it feels like to be with me. A week in my life. A week that can be the start of our future. Our...


We eat on the couch and while we're watching a comedy and she laughs, my focus is on her instead of the TV. How she laughs so hard she needs to hold her chest. Then she catches me staring and lays her head on my chest.

I know she has fallen asleep so I try my best to carry her upstairs without waking her up and mission accomplished. She doesn't even flinch when I lay next to her or when Tallulah jumps at the bed. She's dead asleep. Fuck yeah, I wore her off. I smile to myself. 

Keep the hard banging Carter. Keep the hard banging.

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