Chapter 23

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I know! It has been too long, but I've been working on so many things. I hope you enjoy this chapter. The Epilogue will be posted on Thursday 7th. Thank you for the support! 


Six months passed.

Trust is a very fragile thing, but somehow Carter and I managed. Things are better than ever, I'm getting used to the lifestyle, or at least I'm not surprised by the rich stuff anymore. At this point, I've seen it all.

Carter has been working late the past two days, and that left me making late facetime with Riley. Those months I spent with her made me realize how much I missed her, but her life's in Portland and mine is in LA.

I got a new job and I love it there, not as much as I loved working for my hot boss but what can I do? It makes me busy and gives me the independence I crave from Carter's money.

I step out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy robe around my wet body. My hair is definitely longer now, Carter prefers it that way and honestly? I like it better as well.

It's merely six o'clock and the sun still shines, illuminating the whole bedroom. I let my wet hair fall to the end of my back and whistle a random song while I look for my hairbrush. I jump at Carter's sight from the mirror "I thought you were working late again?" I turn to face him.

"I got this strange urge and got out of work." he caresses my cheek.

"Strange urge?" he shrugs.

"Do you still have that nurse outfit?"

"Seriously? You haven't changed a damn bit," I throw the brush at him with a chuckle "That's why you came home early? So you could fuck your naughty nurse again?"

"It's all I can think about," he admits with a grin, putting the brush back in place "My dick is very hard, it got me worried."

"I bet it did," I smirk.

"Do you want to know the real reason I got out of work?" I nod "I have something with me for the past days that I've been dying to give you. I don't want to waste any more time." his hands turn me to face him again. "You know I love you, right?"

I nod "You're scaring me, Carter,"

"No need to be scared. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know things haven't always been easy, but I love you so fucking much. Be my wife." he opens a velvet box and I look between him and the emerald cut diamond ring "Say something," he smiles.

"I love you," I throw my hands around his neck, our lips pressing hard.

"Is that a yes?"

"It's a big yes, Carter. I want to marry you, right now."

"We need to see if the ring fits first," he laughs.

At this moment, all I feel is joy, pure joy I thought I'd never feel. And I feel it because of the man in front of me. The man who made me trust and love again.

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