Chapter 10

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Our week is coming to an end. I didn't want commitment, I still don't, or that's just what I like to tell myself. Because everything with Carter seems like a fairytale, and I'm afraid. All of this is looking too good to be real.

Everything is magnetic, like two pieces of the puzzle who fit together. It's our crazy chemistry and how passionate everything seems to be. I love every second of it, yet my mind always drifts to the bad side. What if it's all good now and it'll turn to shit? Or, what if I never get used to his lifestyle?

My thoughts are interrupted by Carter's arms wrapping around me.

"Hey, princess," he whispers and kisses me below my ear "What are you doing up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep, at all. It was driving me mad. I tossed and turned since 3 a.m." I keep staring at the hills from his balcony, everything so peaceful.

"You're thinking too much, come back to bed. Let me make you fall asleep. Take the day off," his thumb moves slowly on my hand. It amazes me how well he knows me and taking the day off does sound good after all.

"Okay..." I sigh and he turns me around gently so we're face to face.

"Nice outfit," he teases with a smirk and I chuckle. Wearing his jacket from last night with nothing underneath was indeed a very nice outfit.

After that, Carter gave me a mindblowing orgasm and cuddled with me. I feel asleep for the rest of the morning, only waking up at eleven. I couldn't possibly remember the last time I asleep until this late. Probably during my teen years.

Next to my phone is a little note and I smile at his messy handwriting

I hope you slept well. I left you some waffles in the kitchen, you just need to heat them up in the waffle machine. Also gave Tallulah her breakfast. Please relax for the rest of the day until I get home. If you want someone to go there and give you a spa treatment give me a call by lunch if not, do it anyways. I miss you. -Carter

It was sweet of him. He made me breakfast and even offered to get me a spa treatment at his place. I put my robe on and go downstairs finding Tallulah asleep on the couch "You too, huh?" I murmur before going to the kitchen. There are two heart-shaped black boxes, the logo of the company is written in a beautiful gold font. One of the boxes has red roses and the other ones are black. There has to be more than fifty roses in each, they're beautiful and shiny. The kitchen now smells like them and I smile. There's another note next to them.

While I was choosing, I didn't know which ones would be your favorites. Then I thought, you told me your favorite color was black an red. Said you couldn't possibly choose. So I got them both for you. I was going for a custom one but it wouldn't arrive until later today. Those are still coming by the way. Got you something else in your room. First, have breakfast.


So I do, I have breakfast with the stupidest grin on my face because that's exactly what Carter makes me do, smile like a goof.

I practically jump upstairs. When I open my bedroom door there's another black box, this one has the normal rectangular shape and next to it there's a big bag with the Gucci logo on. I decide to open the note next to it instead first.

Calm down, this is not what you're thinking it is. I really listen to you, you know? I now know you didn't need a ten thousand dress and I also know you don't need diamonds. You have the biggest heart in the world. So, instead of spending probably a thousand dollars with you, I got you simple Zara clothes just like you asked. In the box, you'll find a pair of shoes that made me immediately think of you. I don't have to hope you'll like this, because I know you'll love it. Especially since I donated all the money I spent with you that night to the fundraising event we went to. I know this is what you'd want to do. The last box is in the bathroom, I promise it's the last one. -Carter.

That warmed up my heart and a single tear escaped my eye. I kept smiling and thinking how lucky I was to have Carter in my life. How he understood me so well.

I opened the box first, the black stilettos are beautiful. It has some see through detail and I wonder why Carter thought of me? Sure, I'd pick these out for myself but why would he think of me? That's until I notice these shoes are called Olivia. In the Gucci bag, there's a silk black blouse, high waisted dark jeans, and a beautiful snakeskin red belt. All of the sizes are correct to my surprise and I question if Carter snuck into the bedroom and saw the size I wear or just knows my body better than what I thought he did.

Now, while walking into my bathroom I don't find anything so I walk over to Carter's bathroom, our bathroom these last days. There's another box, this one is red and also in a heart shape, and the cute note.

This is the very last. I know you'll probably turn down the spa so you'll find plenty of bath oils, bath bombs, salts, all of those in there. All coconut scented don't worry. I know how much you love that smell and honestly? So do I. It's quite growing on me. Also, there are candles in there, so relax a little bit. -Carter.

How did he do all of this? How did he manage to get to work on time? Assuming he did... If there was any regret, fear or insecurities they were all gone with this. This was so sweet and pure out of love. The remaining question is, do I love him back?

My phone buzzes and I pick it up.

"How's my princess? Did you enjoy everything?" his voice so sweet.

"I love you," I blurt out and the line is silent for a while.

"I love you too," Carter says softly "So much." Well, there goes the romantic option of saying those three little words to each other. Like what happens in movies or books, with a romantic setting, but not us. And you know what? It fits us. This is us.

"Lunch should be delivered shortly, got you your favorite," he doesn't have to say what it is. I groan over the phone just thinking about that hamburger.

"God, Carter. What did I do to deserve you?" I ask more to myself than him "I loved everything, absolutely everything. You sure you can't join me for lunch? Take the rest of the day off?" I bite my lip. It was always the other way around. Carter begging me to take the day off every morning this week and only I know how fucking hard it was to say no to him.

"Fuck yes. I'm on my way," I can hear the background noise, him picking his keys and him mumbling something to the receptionist "I love you," he says once more, so much happiness in his voice.

"I love you too, Carter."


I smile remembering the way he walked through the front door, the two bags off takeout he had dropped to the kitchen counter and his little "Hi" to Tallulah before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me with so much passion.

Now, after we devoured the hamburgers his intense gaze makes me squirm. Just like our first night after dinner when he told me to go put some lingerie on. Although this time he doesn't ask me to put something on, I'm pretty sure he wants to tear apart every single piece of cloth off my body.

"I want to get you to my bed, I want to tease you. I need to be inside of you, right now. There's no other option, Vi," he murmurs and works on my robe fast, he lets out a groan he wasn't expecting me to be naked underneath "Fuck, need you now," he groans as he unbuttons his trousers and pushes them down. I sit on top of him, we groan as he enters me and for a moment we stay like that until I'm consumed by the urge of making him come.

So I start to unbutton his button-down white shirt needing to feel his skin, his hard chest against my hands as I ride him at a good pace "Slow down," he whispers and holds my hips "There's no rush, princess," he starts to kiss my neck and brings my nipple to his mouth "Carter," I moan, my hands buried in his hair as I bring him closer to my breasts.

His teeth sink a little bit into my nipple before he pinches it and I gasp not able to control the sensation "I can feel you're close, you won't stop squeezing me," his words driving me insane "Wait a little, come when I say so," I nod, I know I can't hold it for much longer. Fuck knows how hard I'm trying doing all kind of thinking at this point to distract myself "Now," he growls "Come with me, Vi," I let out a little scream of his name breaking at the ending as I come better than ever, he silents me with a kiss and brings me closer to him.

"Love you so bloody much," he murmurs.

"Love you," I smile still hiding my face on his neck.

Now that the words are out, we're not able to stop saying them.

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