Chapter 17

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Being back at the States brings me some kind of relief, I don't know exactly why, but it does.

Carter and I are jetlagged but he still needs to come into work for something. I take that time to go back to my apartment. As much as I love his big house I miss my tiny apartment.

Tallulah meows in disagreement as I put her on the ground, she got used to the good life. "Don't worry we're coming back to Carter's, traitor." Being at my room again and opening the photo albums I have makes me feel lost in time.

It triggers something inside my heart, something that I haven't felt in a very long time. Feelings that I wish stayed hidden. Feelings that I promised myself I would never feel again.

Memories come crashing down. I remember every single second, every word, every emotion. I remember the words, how much they hurt me.

There's this particular photo, gosh I was so young. It's crazy to think this was almost 10 years ago. My thumb runs over the face of the man I once loved and a tear falls down.

"Fuck," I wipe it out and close the album. No more crying, Olivia. That's what I promised myself all those years ago.

It's time to go back to Carter's house.


"I know that, Gerald. Did you find his current location?" Carter body stiffs as he sees me opening the door "Anyway, we have the rest of the week to catch up. I'll get us a meeting, Gerald." he shakes the man's hand and pushes the envelope on his hand to one of the pockets.

Gerald nods at me, but I'm so confused I don't greet him.

"Who are you stalking?" I tease after kissing his cheek.

"No one," Carter answers quickly and I frown.

We're talking with a professional liar here. If there's something I'm good at is lying and this guy in front of me, can't.

"Okay..." I smile "I'm going upstairs," my hand brushes his bicep and I give him another smile.

Carter is hiding something from me, and there's this feeling in my gut that tells me I'm involved. I'm finishing wrapping a towel around my hair when Carter walks into the room. The envelope is long gone.

"What's on your mind for dinner?"

"You know what? I'm really craving that Italian place, don't you want to pick our usual?" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I really hate that they don't deliver," he smirks.

"I'm really craving it," I groan "Please?"

"Fine, woman." he brushes his lips and leaves the room.

Once I hear the front door close I practically fly to his office. Whatever he's hiding, I'm finding out.

It doesn't take me long. Carter used to be smarter, why didn't he put it on the safe? Too bad. I'm opening it.

What I find on the inside makes my whole body stiffen, the breath gets caught in my lungs. No. This can't be it.

I thought I had this part of my life hidden, every single proof was destroyed except the pictures and the notes I have. He had no right to go behind my back about this.

I look at the pictures I was looking not so long ago, and now, now I feel nothing but betrayal. It's when I see a certain someone stopped at the door that I realize I'm no longer alone.

Carter stands there, looking at me with shock, fear, and horror.

"Let me explain," he says carefully.

"You" I point at him "You had no right to do this. This is my life we're talking about. I share with you what I'm comfortable with. I really would like to know how you found these," I throw the envelope to the desk.

"I know this wasn't the right decision," he tries.

"Damn right it wasn't. Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"You're bloody scared of commitment I wanted to know, why."

"You could have just asked," I shake my head "But do you want to know? That man right there was the first guy I ever loved. It was the man that broke my heart. You know why? Because he fucking left, he left so I could love someone else. He thought he wasn't worth the love I felt for him."

"I'm getting my stuff, you'll have my resignation letter by tomorrow morning." 

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