Chapter 11

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Sorry for the delay. This week has been so full. Next week I will not be posting a new chapter, same goes to Master's Orders who also updates every Monday. In two weeks everything will be back to normal. So very sorry. XO


After that hot session in the couch, we moved it to the bedroom, going until round four. He's running us a bath now, said I needed to stay in bed while he prepared everything, so I did.

I'm watching an episode of Modern Family that I've already watched, considering I've watched them all. When he appears back in the room holding his hand to him I take it and the breath is caught in my mouth. The bathroom is filled with candles that smell like coconuts, in fact, everything smells like coconuts just like he promised me it would.

The tub is full of bubbles and next to it he was two flute glass and a bottle of Champagne. Unlike any other male, he doesn't complain about soaking in a tub with coconut... everything. His arms are wrapped around me gently as I lay my head on his chest with my eyes closed. I can feel myself drifting to sleep and his hands working on my scalp doesn't help me fight it. But why would I?

Carter shakes me gently, I know I haven't slept for long.

"How long was I out?"

"Just twenty minutes, the water is getting cold," he kisses my shoulder and I get up carefully while wrapping myself on a fluffy grey robe and giving Carter one.

"Get the clothes I gave you on, we're going for The Dodgers game," he says and I turn to him.

"What? Are you kidding?" I'm getting so excited, so happy.

"No, I saw your jersey the other day. I'm also a Dodgers guy, get the jersey if you want instead and maybe skip the heels?" I nod, not knowing what I'll do. All I know is that I want to go see this baseball game, with Carter.

After applying lotion I slip inside the dark jeans, they fit me perfectly. Any other day I'd wear my Dodgers jersey. It's been so long since I've seen them play. Something I'd always do with my father and my mother. Today, I want to wear the silk black blouse Carter gave me, with the heels as well. It's the start of a new beginning, with him.

After doing quick waves on my hair and applying some perfume I kiss Carter's cheek before sitting on the bed playing with Tallulah, my beautiful kitty. I smile at her, she's the sweetest ever since I've slept with Carter. Something she hadn't done since she was a baby.

"You know what? For someone who has fed you over the last year and a half, you're being very ungrateful. Only treating me this way since I've slept in his room," she meows and hides her face on my lap.

I play with her new collar, courtesy of Carter. She loves it, almost walks like a queen ever since she got it. Plus, she spends pretty much all of the time looking at herself in the mirror. It's cute really, it's pink with Swarovski crystals and a heart pendant.

"Ready?" he walks into the room finally, with dark jeans as well and a black polo. Tallulah meows and he rubs her head "Hi, kitten. Do you mind if we leave?" he smiles as she meows once more "Thanks," he kisses her and she walks out of my lap, apparently taking the hint. I think it's so cute he talks to her, it's fun to watch when he doesn't notice.


Carter presses a messy kiss into my mouth, one leaving me with ketchup on my bottom lip "That tasted nice," I wink and he puts an arm around my shoulder.

"I think you've had something I gave you that tasted way nice," he whispers and I bite my lip.

"Yes." I say simply "You're a great cook," I'm teasing but I remain with a poker face and his eyebrows raise.

"Really? Well, thank you. I was talking about something else."

"My food? It's really good, thank you," I smile at him, I love teasing him like this.

"Stop playing games, Vi. You know what I'm talking about," he shuts up after that. Only to curse or cheer and the rest of the game goes by like that.

When we get home I'm exhausted but so happy. So glad after what I shared with Carter.

"Come with me," he grabs my hand and leads me outside. I don't know how I never used the pool, somehow I never got my bikini on and went for a swim.

Carter steps out of his shoes and starts to work on his belt.

"Get naked," he says with a mischievous smirk.

I don't protest, I undress quickly and look at Carter. I don't know what he has in mind. One thing is certain though, I'll love every second of it.

He jumps to the pool and I follow by the stairs since I don't trust myself to jump. He reaches for my hand and I take it, only to be surprised when he pushes me to him and I end up all wet.

"Jackass," I say as I get the hair out of my face.

He smiles and grabs my chin before planting a kiss on my lips, my arms curl around him and I enjoy the feeling of his warm skin against mine. My nipples pebbled against his chest and him rock hard.

"Carter," I gasp as he holds both of my cheeks and looks deep into my eyes.

"Look at all the lights," he drops his hands out of my face, wraps one around my waist and points at the lights in front of us.

It's beautiful, I wish I had this kind of view from my apartment. The apartment that I should be spending the nights in a short amount of weeks. I love Carter, that's something I realized today after he was so sweet with me, like he always is, but I still need to think this through. I don't want to hurt his feelings, I'm not even worried about myself, because I know I'll get over, it's him I worry about. Commitment scares the crap out of me, and I don't want to lead him on.

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