Chapter 6

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So sorry for only uploading right now. For the last days I've been sick like a dog and spent most time sleeping. Everything will go back to normal on Thursday. Enjoy this hot chapter 😘


When I woke up this morning I had to pinch myself multiple times to believe what just happened last night, Vi and I fell asleep on the couch and she joined me on my bed. Where she's still laying in my chest.

I made it clear as glass last night I wanted her here, next to me. Yet, she didn't make a move and maybe that's my fault. I put all of the weight on her when it should've been me taking that first step.

I start playing with her hair and she smiles, so I continue to massage her scalp. And it's in this moment I realize I'm starting to develop feelings for her. Which is totally unacceptable but it's also something I don't have control over.

When she elevates her face from my chest and looks me deep in the eyes with a small smile I want nothing else than kiss her, but I control myself. Instead, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and say "Good morning,"

"Morning," she smiles and sits up, her nipples poking through my white shirt. Come on.

"Wanna go for a run?" I look at her and she shrugs.

"I'll let this one slip, today. Let's make breakfast," I get up from the bed and she follows me, Tallulah meows as I open the bedroom door and I pick her up "Hey, Tal," I rub her fur with my hands and Vi watches us quietly with a little smile on her lips.

"What are you in the mood for?" I ask her as I start making a pot of coffee for the both of us.

"Honestly? Waffles with loads of Nutella and strawberries," she chuckles.

"Got, it. Coming right up. Why don't you take a shower while I make breakfast for a change?" she nods and walks upstairs, Tallulah following her this time.

She shows up just as I'm done, her scent of coconuts making me high instantly.

"Got you some whipped cream, as well," I put the waffles in front of her and she groans.

"My god, Carter. You're an angel," she kisses my cheek before sitting next to me and devouring her waffles.

I lock myself in my office, not being able to focus for the most part of the day. I decide to text the girl who came to me yesterday. I normally wouldn't answer DM's, I had the page just for fun, rarely went there these days until that text came and I felt the obligation to answer for some reason. And fuck had I done the right thing if that girl wasn't catfishing me. Her body was insane and her pussy was the absolute best thing I've seen these days. I haven't had sex before Vi moved in and now with her around and her awake in my thoughts it makes it impossible.

My cock is hard whenever she's around and I need to adjust myself multiple times so she doesn't notice.

Her answer comes right away.

Thought we agreed on the same hour?

Is this a bad time?

I'm working...

So am I, wanna be naughty?

I need to work.

Come on, just ten minutes. I'll make it worth it.

I know you will, that's the problem.

I'll text you later then.

Fine. Just ten minutes!

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