Chapter 18

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I promised myself.

I promised I wouldn't look at these pictures anymore when I closed them not even 2 hours ago. But here I am. It's hard to believe this happened. It all seemed out from a fairytale.

I'm an emotional rollercoaster. All of the memories that I've kept on a secret compartment of my brain are making a comeback. And for once in 10 years I finally allow myself to feel it again, to feel his love and pain once more.

10 years ago.

"Are you guys going on a date tonight?" Riley asks with a stupid smirk on her face. I really hate her sometimes.

"Why are you asking if you already know the answer," I punch her slightly and laugh.

I've been doing that a lot lately. Smiling, laughing, and feeling the happiest I've ever been. Riley, my roommate, loves the relationship Richie and I have. Things haven't always been easy, but we're happy now.

"I like seeing you this happy. Tell you what, never have I ever thought you two would work," she speaks with an open mouth full of chips.

"You and I both," I smile as I look at the mirror once more.

I'm 20, focused on college until one night everything changed. I was finishing my schedule at the coffee shop near campus when the most gorgeous guy showed up.

I always read that love shows up when you're least expecting it, I guess that's true. Things aren't as easy as they look like, though. Richie is fifteen years older than me, but age is just a number. He understands me, he makes me happy and I think I do the same for him.

When his green eyes met mine my whole world fell apart. I'm usually quiet, I keep it to myself but there was something about him, about his presence. I was extremely flirty, which never happened. I'm a shy college girl.

"Have a nice date," Riley calls out as I close the door.

And I will. Everything's perfect when he's involved, and everything was perfect until the end of the night.

Until he said he didn't want me to stop living my life. He wants me to be free, to meet the love of my life. Even though he assures me I'm the love of his, even when he says that he never loved someone as much as he loves me. And that's why he's doing this.

If I was able to live 35 years of my life by myself, I can manage other 35. You, my dearest, Olivia, I want you to go explore the world. I want you to be free. I don't want you to stop living your life for me, as much as it will break the both of us. If it's meant to be, destiny will make us find each other again. Love, your Richie.


That's the letter that broke my heart. Written by the man that always had the best of me.

I'm crying compulsively, unable to stop. All of the feelings I kept are crawling back up, sadness, fear, depression. It's true what they say, you never forget your first love.

It took me years to be emotionally available for a relationship, and this, this is why I'm so freaking scared of commitment. Because everyone leaves, even the ones that love you the most.

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