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I'd stay on this honeymoon forever. God, I don't want to go back to work, I really don't. It has been over two weeks since Olivia and I married, the happiest day of my fucking life. I feel like the luckiest bastard in the world for having her and getting to marry her.

We're back in Palma, where everything started, to relax a little bit. By relaxing I mean having sex more times than usual. Another great thing marriage has done for me? I'm hornier than normal, don't ask me why. Maybe's just Vi walking around in little bikinis, but fuck do I get hard every time she's around, which is basically all the time.

"You tied a knot on my bikini, feel free to undo it," Vi walks into the room, tits out and I'm supposed to undo the knot? Sure.

"You asked me to make sure your tits wouldn't slip out of them, clearly that didn't work." I smile, Vi shakes her head and gives me the bikini.

"Is it possible that marriage made you more stupid?" she can't help but smile at that one.

"It's a possibility," I shrug and grab her boobs "You can always lay on the sun like this, you'll have nice tan lines." she rolls her eyes and punches my chest.

"God, you're so stupid," she laughs.

"Is that so? I'll remember that when you decide you want to use me for sexual favors," I tease her.

"Yep, marriage made you stupid as fuck," she climbs into the bed "Are we still going to dinner?" she brings a slice of orange to her mouth.

"Yes," I give her the bikini top "Next time you show up with those tits out I won't control myself."

"I think I have a knot on my bikini bottoms too," she slips them out and gives them to me. This woman.

"Vi," I sigh, both eyes closed. I'm not going to be able to control myself.

"Yes, daddy?"

That sweet voice totally does it for me. I've known her for years, been fucking her for the last year and she still gets me hard in a matter of minutes. It's fucking crazy the effect this gorgeous woman, my wife, has on me.

"You're asking for a damn punishment aren't you? Turn that ass around," she does it gladly, even shakes her ass in the air on the process. She's making me pissed. "No moves," I slap it hard, I can already see the print of my hand on her ass by the strength I used. She moans silently, I want to fill her pussy like my life depends on it.

"You like making me angry? Or do you like having your ass spanked?" I slap the other cheek.

"Both?" she smiles over her shoulder.

I push inside of her "God, I have the dirtiest wife ever. Fucking love you and your tight cunt," it comes out as groans but I meant every word, and she knows it.

Hard and quick fucks? My favorites, and that's exactly what I do to her. I fuck her so hard and fast, that she'll be walking funny later on her way to our dinner.

"Damn, Carter. I'm not sure I can get up," Vi flinches as she tries to sit on the bed, but she has a smile on her face.

"Go chill on the jacuzzi for a little bit, I'll have a massagist come up here and give you a neck massage and a facial while you're inside. I need to make a few phone calls." I kiss her lips "Love you," I smile.

"Love you, husband," she winks.

Husband. I fucking love hearing her say that. It's crazy how much my life has changed in a year. I never thought I could love someone so much. I never thought I could be so happy, so fulfilled, and so fortunate.

Thank God I fucked my assistant.

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