Chapter 20

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"You didn't look for her," there's surprise in her voice "You had no idea she moved did you?"

"I didn't have the right to check on her after what I did."

"Listen, you fucked up, big time. There's one thing you need to understand, that chapter of her life was the worst she's ever been through. She was depressed, there wasn't anything that made her want to go out or laugh. I called Richie multiple times but he only answered once. He moved to Australia, last time I checked he's still single, no wife nor kids.

"She lost trust on everyone, she was so afraid of everyone leaving. And yes, maybe she wouldn't have told you what happened if you asked at first, but she would eventually. Going behind her back like that, it broke her trust."

"It was never my intention,"

"I know it wasn't but what did you think it would happen? You didn't even think about it, did you?"


"Dumbass," she mutters and shakes her head. "Pack your stuff, we have a flight to catch in less than an hour."

"I beg your pardon?" I look up at her.

"You heard me, we're flying back to Oregon. Pack what you need, meet me at the airport,"

"I have a private jet, we'll get that faster,"

"I know you do," she smiles "You're flying on a normal plane, and as much as that Armani suit looks good on you, you're putting something less expensive on. Don't worry, we're not on economical," she winks and gets up from the chair.

"Bossy aren't you?"

"You have no idea." she grins at me and closes my office door.

Damn me.


The flight was terrible. Yes, we were in first class, but I got used to my jet. I have back pain from sitting straight for more than 2 hours. What a fucking nightmare.

"Lovely flight, wasn't it?" Riley undoes her blazer button.

"Lovely indeed," I say sarcastically and give her a smile.

"My town driver should be here any second," she looks around before walking up to a tall blond male, probably in his forties.

"Miss Harrison, Mr. Saunders," he nods at the both of us before taking her suitcase. I didn't bother on bringing anything.

We're sitting on the SUV, on our way to her house I assume. Beautiful skyscrapers, that's the view, not much different from LA these days to be honest.

"You said you were married right?"

"Yes," she nods.

"Why are you still with your last name?" she looks at me with a smile.

"It's better for business," she shrugs and I look out the window.

I can't remember the last time I was in Portland, but I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about Olivia's reaction, my heart is tight and I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing anxiety for the first time. Holy shit.

Whatever Riley has in mind, I sure hope it works. I've been a mess, my life has been chaotic, but I do know one thing. If I ever get Olivia back, I'm not fucking things up again.

"We're here," she opens the door, not bothering on waiting for her town driver and I do the same "Let me do things my way, okay?" I nod, but can't help think what she means by it until it hits me.

Olivia doesn't know I'm here.

"She doesn't know, does she?" I stop on my tracks and she looks back at me.

"No. You know how stubborn she can be, you both need to understand you're miserable."

I shake my head "I'm not going inside until she says she wants to see me, I won't do that to her," I turn back, ready to leave the building.

"Carter, listen to me," she calls back but I keep walking "Carter, for hell's sake!"

"I'll be in town until tomorrow morning. I'll send you the address of the hotel I'll be staying, Olivia is welcome any time."

I walk through the busy streets, I have no idea where I am but so far, walking without a destiny is the only answer in my mind. It doesn't take me long to realize, I'm lost, I'm completely lost without her. It doesn't mind that I have all the money in the world, a huge worldwide empire, without her nothing in my life makes sense. She was my sunshine, my ray of sunshine, and she's never coming back.

My heart hurts more than anything and I find myself stopping for some coffee.

"That would be all, thank you," a sweet voice fills my ears, it can't be, but it sure is. Olivia is standing inside that coffee shop, her hair falls in waves, just like I remember it.

Going into that coffee shop is not an option, I need to get the hell out of here.

"A cappuccino for Olivia," the bartender shouts and I walk fast, I don't know where the hell I'm going but she can't possibly see me. Once I'm safe on another coffee shop I let my head fall onto my hands. God, I am all kinds of fucked up.

Late, I checked into a hotel, and just like I promised I sent a text to Riley letting her know. We exchanged numbers while we were on the plane. She replies quickly.

I'll talk to her in a couple of minutes. I really hope this works out, for both of you.

I sigh and close my eyes shut, what a hell of a mess I made.

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