Chapter 16

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Dubai has been doing wonders to me.

I'm tan and got myself a belly piercing. I'm old to get it but I always wanted one, and I can't possibly say I don't love it. Carter is crazy about it, he keeps saying I look ten times hotter. I tried something that did wonders to my hair, whatever it was, my hair is shinning and smooth.

I'm being pampered in the best possible way. We keep the sex quiet, which has been a problem, but we manage it. If Tallulah was thinking she was the queen of the house before, she really didn't know what was coming. I swear that cat can feel she's living the rich life now.

Carter is working from home lately, although we're done in Dubai. He still wanted to spend some time in here, but I know damn well he only wants to stay so I can take some time off. Which I'm not complaining.

"Too tired?" Carter asks as he lays next to me on the beach.

Last night was ... busy.

"Tired of doing nothing," he chuckles.

"Missing LA?"

"I miss our house," the words leave my mouth.


Our house.

Carter smiles wider "Yeah? We can go back whenever you want,"

"I was thinking later tonight?" I raise a brow at him.

"Sure, I'll have them pack our stuff." Carter kisses my shoulder and walks towards the house.

Having a house in Dubai is great, a beach one is even better. I get up as well and go back to the house.

I don't mean to hear it, I really don't but Carter seems upset so I stop on my tracks.

"I see..." he huffs "I just can't understand why she didn't say anything." he sighs "That's all you found? Alright, I'm going back to LA in a couple of hours. Send me the pictures and the information you got."

I don't know what that was about, but that made my anxiety level grow and my heart beat faster, and not it a good way.

Whatever Carter was talking about on the phone, is bad news.

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