Chapter 13

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The flight was better than expected. It was long, but we slept for the most part and just like Carter promised me, it didn't even feel like a plane, that calmed me.

We had a full reception welcoming us as we got out of the plane, there were a whole security team and his partner. Now, as we drive to his villa between two SUV's full of his security team it's when I realize how rich he is.

"Why so much security?" I ask him.

"I'm sort of famous around here," he winks, he's teasing me "Just some precaution. We have security all the time back in the US, let's just say they're hidden,"


"Yeah, sweetheart. I have security everywhere around us. Don't worry, no one is trying to kill me," he laughs "I like to be protected, that's all. It's a crazy world," I nod.

"Are they going to follow us around?" he shakes his head.

"We're not going to leave the house much, let's try to spend our time inside,"

"Why's that?"

"We have very restricted rules, here. No eating, drinking, dancing, holding hands in public. And let's just say we can't share bedrooms, no sex allowed if we aren't married."

"No sex?" my eyes bulge.

"If we sneak out and you can keep it quiet, maybe," he smirks "Seriously, though, don't want you getting arrested. So let's just stay in the house, don't have to worry about the security, they all signed an NDA," I nod once more. Jesus Christ, I should've stayed in the US.

Once we get to the massive villa he has the breath is caught in my lungs. This is so beautiful. If I ever thought his house was luxurious this is a whole new level. The smell of the beach invades my nostrils and I'm in complete wonder as I take my surroundings.

We step out of the car and the security team wastes no time on getting ready to work. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like all of this and I didn't even got inside the house.

"Welcome home, sweetheart," Carter says as he opens the door with a card and let's me inside.

"This is sickening," I admit. Everything is so luxurious, enormous and so out of my league. I am not used to this.

"Take a shower, I'll meet you upstairs. Last room on the hallway, okay?" I nod and leave him to talk with the security team.

I don't like having them around, I know it's for safety but I feel like I'm being threatened or something. If they were like the ones he has in the US it would be a lot more easier. I never thought he had security beside the ones in the office, I guess I should've stayed more sharp.

Taking a cold shower will be just the best feeling, Dubai is not as hot as I was expecting it to be, but it's November and it feels like a Summer day in California.

Opening the last door just like he instructed, I find the biggest room in tones of browns. The bed is the biggest I've seen and it looks comfortable as hell, on the of the bed rests a silk babydoll and I walk through the room finding the massive bathroom.

The cold water makes me feel awakened and I press my forehead to the wall as the water falls down my body. I'm in love with him. Carter broke all the walls I had around my heart and I don't know how to feel. I want to ignore all of this, I want to be happy right now, but my mind has different ideas. I'm creating all kinds of scenarios in my head and it's making me go crazy. I'm miles away from home, I don't even know why I'm thinking about this.

Is it because I know there's no turning back? Is it because it's already too late? I never felt the way I did, a love so strong that it consumes you, all I think about is him, how he feels, how he makes me feel loved. I don't know if I like it or not because I never felt this way, and it scares the fuck out of me.

"Princess?" I hear Carter shout.

"Almost done," I say after a deep breath. I need to pull my shit together.

Get ready to avoid all the overthinking and put a smile on that pretty face, Olivia.

I smile as I find him laying on the bed with his arms stretched behind his head.

"Better?" he smirks and I nod "The chef is making dinner," he lets me know.

"Chef? Of course, this is like a different world. It's like you're a king or something," he laughs and I shake my head as I chuckle too.

"A king, huh? I like your perspective,"

"I'm glad you do, your highness," I'm being all kinds of sarcastic right now.

"What got you in a mood? Was it the flight?" he sits on the bed.

"I'm not in a mood, I'm just playing with you," I wink as I slip into the babydoll.

"Fine, I'm here if you want to talk. By the way, that babydoll looks amazing on you," he whispers behind my ear and my whole body shivers.

"No sex," I tease.

"Can you keep it down?"

"I think you know the answer is no," I smile, my hands travel up his chest.

"Too bad, I want to fuck you like my life depends on it," he growls and I push him to me.

Right now, any kind of distraction will do, and there's nothing better than sex.

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