Chapter 19

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My headache grows every second.

I've been miserable these lasts days. I haven't eaten much, my stache of drinks is almost empty. I know I fucked up. I shouldn't have hired a private investigator to dig into Olivia's past.

I don't mind going after her. I know I fucked up. There's no chance of us getting back together after this. She had trust issues, now I'm assuming it's three times worst.

Although everything in my body hurts, especially my heart. I've looked at our picture at least a million times, just press the home button Carter, you'll see it again. The photo was taken back at Dubai, we were laying next to each other and she got closer to me while I was taking some pictures, licked my neck and I laughed. The next photo we were both laughing, the next, us kissing.

Why do I do this? I've been torturing myself for hours, looking at the albums of pictures we have together. You're never getting her back, Carter.

"Shit," I groan and dive my fingers through my hair once again. I fucked up.

I'm ready to have another refill when my iPad gives me a notification of my security team. My phone rings after that, Tom, my security guard.

"Boss, there's someone downstairs to see you. Should we let her in?"

"Is that Olivia?" I ask, desperation in my voice.

"No, boss. It's-

"Send her away," I end the call and fall back on the couch.

Here I go, back to my miserable life.


It's been weeks, months maybe? I can't remember. I try my best not to think about it.

One day, I woke up and realized I needed to do something, for myself. I haven't looked back, but I also didn't do anything to her things back at my house, to our pictures.

My new assistant sucks, Olivia knew how things used to work, Melanie doesn't. God, it makes me angry just looking at the poor woman. I've been cold lately, no smiles, just barking orders at all my employees. I recognize it but there's no sunshine in my life. Why be nice? There's not a reason.

"Mr. Saunders?" Melanie knocks on the door.

"What now?" I bark as she opens it.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's someone outside. She says it's very important. Miss Harrison is persistent." Melanie doesn't even know where to look.

"Fine. Let her in." I grumble and put the papers on my desk on a pile.

A woman with auburn hair dressed in simple clothes gets inside my office like she owns the place. I don't bother to get up "Miss Harrison, what can I help you with?"

She sits in front of me but says nothing. She looks me up and down and leans back on the chair.

"Carter Saunders..." she says with a not so friendly smile "Forgive my rudeness, I'm Riley, Riley Harrison."

Riley? As in Olivia's best friend from college?

"Yes." she nods. Did I say that out loud? "I have to admit, Olivia described you like you were common, physically of course." she grins. "Fear not, I'm very happy with my marriage," she looks at her wedding band and I follow her gaze.

"I've been looking for this meeting for months, but you know life, always playing tricks on you. Work does miserable things to you. The last time I paid you a visit you refused to see anyone, except Olivia," she shakes her head. All those months ago, it has her, back at my house. "Tell me, Carter, do you have any idea where Olivia is?"

"Honestly? I don't care,"

"Lying so soon?" she chuckles "You're terrible at it, do you know that?" her gaze doesn't move from my eyes.

Of course, I lied. I still remember how she used to smell, how she used to feel, her smile... I still care. Hell, I put this facade on every day when I wake up. Looking like I don't care anymore. But one thing is certain, I don't know where Vi is, I haven't checked. It's the least I could do.

"Miss Harrison, I suggest you get it over with. I have work to do," my voice is stern.

"I see you've accomplished nothing," she looks at the pile of papers in front of her.

"That's none of your business,"

"You're right, it's not. Why don't I tell you why I'm really here?"

"If you insist,"

"You see that miserable look in your eyes every morning? I see it back at Oregon every single day as well."

"Did you say Oregon?"

"Yes. Olivia is been staying with me for the past four months. My husband is in the military, last tour."  I nod and let her words sink down.

Olivia left.

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