Chapter 15

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Next week I will not be uploading a new chapter. See you all December 6th.  Thank you for 19k and all the love ❤️



This is boring.

"I think that would be the best option right, Carter?" Quentin kicks me under the table.

"Right. Amazing option," I wave my hand to try to make it more convincing, I haven't listened to a single word. God damn my head needs to stay focused.

We seel the deal, but I can't remember half of it. I can't remember even signing the papers, because all I can think about is Vi. And the way her moans came out muffled by the scarf around her mouth. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

"What got you out of your mind?" Quentin asks as he adjusts his suit.

"Try and guess," I smile at him.

"Olivia? I freaking knew it," he chuckles "I warned you, man, but you didn't want to listen,"

"You did," I laugh as well. Any other day I would've asked him to join for lunch, but Olivia is at home in sexy bikinis, that cost more than what she would've wanted.

Coming home and finding her in a bikini next to the pool or on the beach will make me go crazy.

I'm a teenager all over again, my dick senses her and it gets hard as a rock. I better start controlling myself, thank God for those NDA's.

God have mercy on me.

I knew she'd be using small bikinis but the one with diamonds? Fuck.

"Hey hot stuff," I whisper on her ear.

"Damn, Carter," she jumps and I chuckle.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Not hungry," she answers and fixes her bikini top, her boobs bounce and my gaze locks on them.

"Control yourself, Carter. You've been horny all the time lately," she laughs.

"Maybe we should go take care of that,"

"You're unbelievable," she chuckles and lays back on the lounge chair.

I go back inside and change into some swimming shorts so I can join her outside. Tallulah as always is sleeping on my side of the bed.

It's been a couple of days since we got here and I remember the first night with every single detail. The way she said she loved me and begged me to bring her back because she knew she'd get away.

What a fucked up situation. I have no idea why she's so scared of commitment and I don't want to make her upset. I need to make some calls and I need to start digging because whatever happened to her, it's something I need to know.

There's something inside of me that tells me to not wait anymore. It's time to dig all the ugly truths.

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