Chapter 21

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"Come again?" I blink a couple of times at my best friends words. Riley isn't the type of person that likes matchmaking at all, so this surprises me, a lot.

"You heard me. Stop with your stubborn ass."

"You said he refused, right?"

"Of course he did. He broke your trust once, he clearly doesn't want to do it again."

I let her words sink. Carter had no idea I moved to Oregon and he didn't look for me. I don't know if I'm sad or happy at that, a part of me is glad because he respected me, but the other is sad.

Every day I'm fighting the same battle, my feelings and how to forget them. When Richie broke my heart and everything else, I promised myself one thing, to never go back to that place. To never let myself fall like that again because of someone, I was young back then, naive, but now I'm a grown woman and I can assure anyone that whatever went on between Richie and I never hurt as much as this does.

Richie broke me, and I went through a rough time, but the situation with Carter is different, hell, Carter is different. Carter is or was everything I wanted. And every day I think about him, how his affection and love for me felt like, how good it was to be around him. I hate this trait about me, I think too much, I suffer too much.

"He sent me the address of the hotel he's staying at if you want to go see him," she gives me her phone and I stare at it. I don't even know what to think or say. Riley looks like a completely different person, she didn't use to care like this, whenever I went through something the cure was always to drink it up and forget it in the morning. If she's caring so much about this it's because she thinks I'm truly miserable, completely and utterly miserable.

"I'm going to bed," I place her phone on the table and get up. It's merely seven but I need some time alone, need some rest, some more thinking, because I need to figure what the fuck I'm going to do. Should I come back to Carter?

I know! It was way too short, but don't kill me just yet. The next one will definitely be bigger! Thank you for 75K. I never thought this would get much recognition. While you're waiting for the next chapter go check some of my other stories if you'd like to 😘❤️

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