Chapter 22

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It's here! I know it has been so long, I'm so sorry and that's why this chapter is coming earlier than usual. Maybe I'll drop the next one during the weekend. I really can't believe this just got 108k views, I never imagined it in a billion years. I'm very grateful! Master's Orders new chapter coming very soon as well, XO


I didn't sleep much, that's just how it's been. I check out in a couple of hours and Olivia never came, and what was I expecting? For her forgiveness? I still don't know what I thought would happen.

I order some breakfast and all I can think about is finding her in my kitchen making coffee, wearing tiny panties and my shirt over. Stupid memories, memories that still hurt me and always will. I had everything, I had her, and because of a stupid decision, I lost her.

I take a long shower, I just stand there, letting the water fall over me. It doesn't matter that I used to be cocky as hell, confident and so fucking sure of myself, right now I'm being a pussy. I'm sad all the time, anything reminds me of her. I need to pull myself up.

I dress and wait until the very last second to leave the room, she's not coming. I get on the town car I ordered, destination? Wherever the private jet is waiting for me because God forbid I go back to first class.

Right now I don't think I'm feeling anything at all, I'm numb. I close my eyes once the car comes to a stop, time to move on. The door opens and the rain falls heavily "Have a nice flight, sir," I just nod, I walk to the jet next to the guy that's holding the umbrella.

I hear a car door shut fiercely and heels clicking violently on the ground "Carter," her screams make me stop "Carter, please," she runs faster as I turn to face her.

Olivia came back.

"Vi," I walk fast, not caring about the rain anymore. She wraps her arms around me and I hold her tight, afraid she'll run again.

"Don't leave me," she cries "Please," she implores, her face buried on my jacket. I hold her cheeks "I'm not going anywhere without you, ever again," I whisper, she doesn't need words, her mouth connects with mine and I feel whole again.

I thought the flight back would be tense, boy was I wrong. We talked about it, she's still mad and how could I blame her? But she's also working on it, just as I am. Trust is important and we're working on it.

Tallulah hasn't moved from my lap since "I missed your pussy," I tease Olivia and she chokes on her water.

"What did you say?"

"I mean Tallulah but that too," I give her a small wink and she rolls her eyes "What? Remember when you told me you needed to go get your pussy? This is just payback, honey," I chuckle.

"You're an ass," she throws me a pillow but laughs as well.

Her suitcases are still on the front porch since I gave my housekeeper the day off, but I'm not worried about that. Vi's here, back at my place that looked so empty and gray without her. This is our place now, just like Tallulah is ours.

"I'd love to take you out for dinner, but I know you prefer to eat at home," she smiles.

"Remember my favorite?"

"I remember everything," I say simply because it's the truth. I remember every single detail.

"You better not mess things up again," she picks up Tallulah and puts her on the ground. She moves to sit on my lap "Cause if there's a next time I swear to God I'll chop your dick off," she smiles brightly.

"There won't be a next time," I mutter nervously.

"Good," she kisses me, her legs close tighter around my thighs. God, I'm hard, I'm hard as fuck, but my hand still comes between us to push her away slightly "Not yet," I whisper to her "I'm not taking advantage of the situation, Vi,"

"You're not," she assures me.

"I feel like I am. Let's work thing out, go to lunch tomorrow, find you a new job, sex comes later," she bites her lip but nods "I need this little time, okay? Nothing wrong with you, I think you definitely know that" I look down at the bulge in my pants "I need to be on the right state of mind before sex starts again." I caress her cheek.

"I know, it's fine." she gives me a little smile.

"I love you," I murmur while tugging a piece of hair around her ear "Never doubt that."

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