six ⇔ photocards

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' roll down the windows, we can fly

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' roll down the windows, we can fly.'
invitation, why don't we
jisung's p.o.v:
jisung couldn't believe he was doing this for lee minho.
he'd just received money from work ( not a lot of it either ) and was already in the local art shop.
there was a lot of notebooks to skim through. yet, seungmin, minho's best friend, advised him to grab a kpop one if he wanted a good reaction.
where the fuck are these things, jisung thought to himself.
was minho that picky? seungmin could be lying to him.
sighing, the blonde walked around faster and spotted a day6 notebook that included photo cards. and apparently, he spotted it at the same time as an eager girl.
jisung gave her a death glare, ready to run and snatch it up. she walked faster towards it and smiled as she was so close.
jisung sprinted over at full speed, crashing into a passing customer but still snatching the book on time.
he stuck his tongue out at the girl, tucking it tightly beneath his arm.
' i saw it first,' she said in an annoying voice.
no wonder jisung wasn't attracted to girls, their so whiney.
' go get something to actually educate yourself. doubt you can afford this anyways.' jisung spat at her.
he skipped away and to the counter, buying the book and realising it only left twenty pounds on his card.
the things i do for that son of a bitch, jisung thought to himself.
now, he had to get to school before minho could. running down the streets, he quickly passed shops and ended up at school pretty early.
jisung grabbed a sticky note from his backpack, scribbling a few sentences down onto it before placing it on the books front cover.
then, as instructed by seungmin, minho's locker was in the east wing and the password was 2451.
jisung slipped it inside the locker and found some sort of hiding place behind a plant. cliche as it is, he wanted to watch minho's reaction.
because if that bastard didn't appreciate his gift, shit would go down.
minho's p.o.v:
minho hated tuesdays. they were literally the worst day for lessons and he had no free time between periods.
also, he seemed to have bad luck too, on these god forsaken days. he'd managed to trip over his converse laces twice and ruin his new earphones.
so that was great.
minho continued down the school halls, not seeing jisung at his locker like usual. not that he paid any attention, pfft.
shrugging to himself, he arrived at his locker and casually opened it. something from inside started to slip out so he caught it just in time.
it was a notebook based on day6. the limited edition one he could never afford!
holy shit, he thought, there's freaking photo cards!
minho then noticed the sticky note and smiled happily. it was surely seungmin or hyunjin, right?
it read,
' i still hate you. this costed me way too much.
p.s: thanks for the hot choco. seungmin told me day6 was your fav.
- jisung :)
minho's jaw dropped to the ground and he literally stood lifeless for two minutes, missing the bell.
' oh my fucking good, what the fuck is wrong with him.' minho said, smiling brightly.
he turned around to see jisung trying to hide himself behind a plant.
despite their reputation of hating each other, minho offered him an excited smile and almost melted when jisung's cheeks darkened.
he was about to thank him, but jisung panicked and started to run. tripping over in the process, though.
minho shook his head, laughing.
then he realised what he was doing. he was supposed to hate jisung, he was the one who destroyed his stuff and called him a sassy bitch all the time.
minho didn't think further and speed walked to class.
what was he going to do?

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