nineteen ⇔ healing

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' that's how i know, my heart is his

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' that's how i know, my heart is his.'
kiss the boy, keiyan lonsdale
check out this song, it's actually amazing! throw back to love simon <3

no one's p.o.v:
minho hadn't been showing up to school for a few days now, tucked up at home, unable to get himself back out of the house. he didn't want to face jisung, not just yet, after their last meeting.
it was babyish, avoiding him, since sooner or later they'd have to speak. minho knew all too well what it felt like to be ignored, yet, he couldn't bring himself to actually face anyone.
even ximen tried to visit him, to no avail. all he got was socks pelted at his face. he knew minho was in one of those states again, held up on something he couldn't ignore.
' go away, ximen.' minho huffed. ' i just want to be left alone.'
ximen glared at minho, not taking no for an answer.
' minho, i know your upset. i get that. but you need to get your ass into school before someone thinks you've died.'
minho just continued to bury himself in his blankets, trying to ignore ximen to the best of his ability. he was worse than talking to jisung.
' it's jisung, isn't it?'
stopping all movement, minho sighed. how did he know?
' i'm your best friend, dummy. i know what happens between you two.'
his question was answered soon enough. hesitantly, minho poked his head out of the blankets and looked at ximen.
' yeah. it's jisung. everything has been going wrong between us.'
ximen smiled supportively, urging minho to tell him the whole story. and so he did.
' your such a fucking dumbass, you know that? jisung wants something genuine, not forced from your pity towards him.'
minho nodded gently, head falling onto ximen's shoulder, close to crying again.
' i know. i thought i was ready.'
' why don't you start up your friendship again? start hanging out like study buddies and getting into stupid fights? that's what brought you closer before. if you could do that again then maybe things won't be forced.'
minho didn't say anything. just silently cried into ximen's arms until the boy left for the end of lunch. that's how he'll make things right.

jisung, on the other hand, was working himself up from worrying about minho. was he too harsh when they parted? did he upset minho so much that he'd... jisung refused to think of that option.
he sat under that blossom tree they met at a few days ago, thinking over and over about different possibilities. it wasn't until someone stopped in front of him that he escaped his thoughts.
it was minho's friend from the library. he smiled down, eyes gleaming through his specs.
' hey. jisung, right? i'm ximen.'
jisung accepted his hand, watching the boy sit himself down on the grass with him.
' hi... how'd you find me?'
' i was just coming back from a nearby café. i saw you here.'
jisung nodded, becoming distracted with thoughts again. they wouldn't leave his mind. ximen put a hand on his shoulder.
' minho's fine, if your wondering. he's taking time to heal. he's easily affected by emotions and usually coops himself away to avoid confrontation. it's not your fault, jisung, he just takes a while to get over things, no matter how big or small.'
relieved, jisung peeked up at ximen. the boy gave a warm smile, comforting him.
' oh... that's good.' jisung barely got out.
he felt like breaking down again, but he refused to in front of ximen. jisung breathed in and settled his nerves.
' just trust minho, okay? he copes differently to others. he should be back tomorrow, i told him you'll sit together under this tree. promise me you'll go easy however upset your both feeling?'
jisung tentatively nodded and smiled towards ximen.
' i promise.'
ximen stood up, ruffling jisung's hair.
' see you around? don't disappoint me!'
' sure. bye ximen!'
healing, huh? jisung thought. i guess we both needed time away from each other.
the bell rung, signifying end of break. jisung didn't move. he wanted to stay in the fresh air, thoughts of minho's features never leaving his overworked mind.
double update, i'm proud of myself lol. this is a turning point in the story, going for the better. also, let me know if you want any particular songs in the headings, give me some suggestions! see ya.

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