fourteen ⇔ getting better

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' dangerously, you're beautiful

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' dangerously, you're beautiful.'
baby don't like it, nct 127
a quick message: i know i haven't updated in around a month. idk why, but i've been rejecting this story and i feel like that's unfair. so here's a chap that i am writing whilst sick, with a blocked nose and watery eyes. enjoy loyal readers or new readers wherever you are~
jisung's p.o.v
minho followed behind me, almost looking sulky and miserable. honestly, sometimes i just want him to be less angry when i'm around. i know i piss him off, but i can't help the fact i'm trying to hide something from him.
if he ever found out my secret, nothing would ever give us a reason to talk again. and i can't let that happen.
' so,' minho said, catching up to me, ' your house or mine?'
i turned my head to the side to see him smiling a little. he must have cheered up.
' hm, let's go to mine. it's just around the corner.'
minho nodded, speeding up at little. i hadn't realised we'd reached outside until i felt cold air travel up my back. shivering, i sneakily leaned closer to minho, hoping for warmth.
we stayed in silence for a while. it was nice to hear minho not swearing at me as usual. i mean, i do swear at him, but only when he genuinely pisses me off.
i decide to make conversation.
' so, what made you into dance? i never would have seen you as the arts major.'
minho's shoulders tensed a little, whether it was from the cold weather or because of what i'd said.
' i don't need to tell you my life story, han. i'm just here to study,' he hissed.
minho glared over at me, eyes shining with unknown anger. his words stung my heart, yet i chose to ignore the fact he used my last name. he'd never been this serious.
a second later, he shoved his elbow into my arm, trying to walk ahead. i should have never said anything. we aren't supposed to get along.
i sped up to his pace, directing him onto my drive. minho still looked tense, but i spoke anyways.
' go upstairs, i'll grab my maths study books. first door to the right.'
i walked to the kitchen, ignoring the ruffles of his coat. i was avoiding him for as long as possible.
on the fridge was a note from my mum,
' i'm out again. won't be home till late. can you take care of the dishes and house work for me?
love, mum.'
sighing, i set the note down.
it's the same shit every day. no mum, no dad to take care of the house because they're at their crappy jobs, leaving their child to clean up after them.
i easily got used to this and honestly, that's embarrassing.
footsteps jolt me out of my trance, leading me to turn round. minho was leaning against the counter, shirt sleeves rolled up to his forearms. his face was... sympathetic.
' your parents aren't home?'
i nodded, too tired to answer. now minho was going to pity me, something i didn't want.
' hm, i feel you,' he slowly mumbled, ' i'm... sorry for earlier. it's just that no one's cared enough to ask me about that before. i have it in my mind that students are airheads and i took you for one. but i guess not.'
i stared at him, stunned. that's the first time he's ever apologised to me. the first time he's ever seemed truly sorry.
what worried me more was that he was pulling out my journal from behind his back. oh shit.
' and i found this laying on the table. it was open on a page that said my name various times...' he trailed off for a moment, ' i won't ask about it until you wan't to tell me.'
he set the book down on the kitchen counter and swung round, lightly padding up the stairs.
my mouth dropped to the floor.
what the fuck am i supposed to say about my diary confession to minho?
just when i thought things were getting better.
oh snap, what has jisung wrote?
i felt like writing a mild drama filled chapter with a cliff hanger.
hope you liked it!
i'll be updating soon.

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