seven ⇔ 1,000 words

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' i do not want to ignore you, cause baby, i fucking adore you

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' i do not want to ignore you, cause baby, i fucking adore you.'
adore you, chase atlantic & jules
jisung was literally so busy it was unbelievable. this was supposed to be high school not bloody college.
his history class was suffering since their moody teacher was giving them constant assignments to be done within the week.
jisung bets he has wrote 1,000 words so far. more than his precious fingers can handle.
he doesn't want them falling off any time soon.
today, he has to work in the library, as a storm was slowly brewing outside. the library was better than nothing anyways.
the blonde sat himself at a single table in the corner, with a plug for his computer charger.
he was already half an hour in when the rain hammered at the windows and the signal was getting worse. but, jisung just ignored the fact that he was getting a headache.
he was almost done on one assignment when a book came flying towards him.
jisung ducked in instinct, yet it still landed on his expensive computer.
a buzzing sound came from the inside. not a good sign.
jisung stood up so fast that his chair scraped loudly on the ground, earning the attention of everyone occupying the library.
he frowned at them and looked round towards the culprit, who so happened to be minho.
that fucking idiot, jisung muttered to himself.
jisung stomped over to the brunette and crossed his arms in front of him.
' what in the actual fuck did you just do to my computer?'
minho widened his eyes and pointed to his stupid friend ximen, a chinese transfer student, who was sitting at the table nearest to jisung's.
jisung didn't believe for a second it was him, since ximen was always calm and wasn't interested in anybody else either than his close friend. jisung knew ximen would ignore anyone who doesn't interest him.
he's just one of those unsociable people who don't give two shits about anyone else.
' really?' jisung asked, unamused.
' he threw it at me so i ducked and it managed to hit you.'
minho tried not to snicker, but kinda failed due to the evident eye smile he had going on.
jisung would admit it was a tiny, teeny bit cute.
' fuck off. you and your friend owe me a new history project. i'm telling miss it was your fault.'
jisung pouted, upset that he wasted all his time on that project when he can't even get it up on a screen anymore.
' stop acting like a baby. you can log into mine.'
minho frowned at jisung's petty excuse.
' whatever. but you owe me, bitch.'
' uh-huh.'
minho skipped back to ximen, bursting out laughing a second afterwards.
jisung swears he hates minho.
or it was something else...
thanks for the votes!

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