nine ⇔ medicine

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' cause i know, you want all my focus

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' cause i know, you want all my focus.'
blah, plt
minho was sick. and of course, it had to be the day that his house was getting cleaned.
his mum had kicked him out early this morning, saying his lazy ass couldn't stay at home.
minho was fuming by the time he arrived at school. couldn't he just move when they needed him to?
sighing, he slipped inside the cafeteria for breakfast club, as he was early again, and munched on an apple.
his eyes were already watering and becoming droopy with tiredness.
he felt unnaturally hot and light-headed.
breakfast club passed fast. minho groggily made his way towards his locker, seeing the world spin slightly.
just his luck that he collided with someone and it made him fall to the floor in surprise.
he heard a scoff and a blurry hand offered itself so he could get up.
minho took it, having the tiniest bit of strength to pull himself up. then, a voice spoke. it almost sounded miles away.
' minhoe, you okay?'
he heard jisung ask. he shook his head no, expecting a little bit of sympathy.
' oh shit, your sick. you're so stupid for coming in,' jisung mumbled, ' i've actually got fever medicine in my locker, come on.'
minho clutched onto jisung's shoulder and followed him at a snail-like pace.
they arrived a few minutes after the bell went, meaning both were late to class.
jisung threw open his locker and gave minho the medicine.
' thanks.'
minho took the medicine and scrunched his face up at the bitter taste.
jisung giggled a bit and pushed his locker shut.
' try to rest, yeah? i'll be in the music room at lunch if you need me.'
minho nodded carefully. why was jisung being nice to him?
' bye bitch!'
of course minho spoke too soon.
the blonde skipped away, waving his hand. minho smiled a little and turned around.
he owed jisung a lot. but, why did they have the reputation of hating each other?
minho cringed at the feeling in his gut.
it could be the sickness, yet, he felt feelings stirring around his chest.
sorry for not updating for long. here's something little. next chapter will be longer and more exciting~

bonnie n' clyde ⇒ minsungWhere stories live. Discover now