ch. 24

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Kyrie POV:

I opened the door, and came face to face to with my enemy.


I froze.

Unable to move.

Unable to speak.

"Hey old friend." He said.

I just stood there still unable to move or speak. I was at loss for words. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I had to get the hell up out of this house, but I couldn't move.

I just stood there facing him, while he stood there with this stupid smirk on his face.

He was about to say something but was interrupted.

"Move the fuck out the way." A familiar voice said to Damien.

I looked up and it was the last person I expected to come to my rescue but I was relieved.


"You don't tell me what the fuck to do." Damien said.

"Oh yeah? But I think I just did." Corey said as he stepped to Damien.

While they had their little showdown, I took the opportunity I had to escape both of them.

I walked down the stairs and looked for Nesha. I went into the kitchen, and she wasn't there. I went into the living room, and nothing.

I couldn't call her because my phone died on the way to the party.

I was ready to go, and the only other person I fucked with that was at the party was Corey, and after the stunt he pulled I didn't want to be anywhere near him. But it looked like I had little to no choice.

Corey POV:

I walked up stairs to look for Kyrie when I saw her trapped as Damien stood in front of her.

"Move the fuck out the way." I said.

I saw a sigh of relief come over Kyrie.

I know I probably was the last person that she would want to see right now but I couldn't possibly leave her in this situation.

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do." Damien said.

"Oh yeah? But I think I just did." I said.

With that said, Kyrie took the opportunity to escape the both of us.

We just stared at one another.

"Get the fuck pushing." I said.

"Yeah, man. Whatever." Damien said as he turned to head towards the stairs.

"Yeah you better leave." I said walking behind him.

Next thing I know, Damien was falling down the stairs. He hit his head repeatedly as he fell down, and we he got to the bottom he slid into the wall.

"Oh my gosh!" A random person said.

"Somebody help him." Cried our another random person.

"Call 911." The house owner said.

I just casually walked down the stairs, while thanking God that he did that so I wouldn't have too.

"Check his pulse!" I heard someone say.

The owner of the house went to check his pulse.

"I don't feel one." She said as she cried frantically.

911 call:

911, what's your emergency?

Yes! Someone just fell down the stairs and there isn't a pulse! We need an ambulance.

Ok, we have one in route. Stay put.

I got out the way and posted up the wall, oddly as it seemed I wanted to see it play out.

While everyone waited for the ambulance to get here I people watched.

My eyes somehow landed on Kyrie dancing amongst herself and I made my way over to her.

"Kyrie." I called out as I touched her shoulder.

She jumped and hesitantly turned around.

"Why are you—? Oh, it's just you Corey." She said and turned back around.

"Damn, cold shoulder. It's like that now?" I said as I threw my hands up and walked away.

"You made it like this when you decided to tongue fuck that bitch. Hours after I said I felt smothered." She said as she smacked her lips.

"Baby, it wasn't even like that. It was a dare." I said knowing I was lying my ass out.

I honestly don't know what came over me. I don't know was it the alcohol or was it really because Kyrie had left me on top of all the shit she was saying but how's she's not good for me.

"I'm sorry, Ky. I just want you and Kenzie to come home." I said as the medical team walked through the door.

People moved out the way to let them check on Damien.

After doing what they do, they confirmed that Damien was indeed dead. He suffered a broken rib, and brain bleed which killed him instantly.

I'm not gonna lie, a sigh of relief fell over me. I was glad the bastard was gone and I'm sure Kyrie felt the same way. I looked over at her, and she was bawling her eyes out.

I took her hand, and walked her out the door.

"Ky, baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I've wanted him dead for quite some time, but I've also wanted him to suffer in jail. But now that he's really dead, I just feel numb." She said.

"Oh, baby." I said as I pulled her into a hug.

Kyrie POV:

I listened as the medical team declared Damien dead.

All of a sudden tears fell from my eyes, and I had no idea why.

I saw Corey look over at me. He took me hand, and led me through the door.

"I've wanted him dead for quite some time, but I've also wanted him to suffer in jail. But now that he's really dead, I just feel numb." I said.

"Oh, baby." Corey said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Just because you're comforting me right now doesn't mean shit. I'm still mad as hell." I said.

"I know." Corey said as he kissed my forehead. I know.


I hope the switching of POV wasn't confusing for you.

I'm trying my best.

This book is gone end soon, not soon soon, but soon.

I'm not sure if I wanna do a time jump where's Kyrie is in college or not.

But in other news, Kiriah Kache out 🤗✌🏾

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