The Last Picture Show

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It's been a week since the discovery of Jason Blossom's body. But his death is not the first. Nor would it be the last casualty that the town of Riverdale would suffer. The Twilight Drive-In, where I work, my home away from home, a piece of town history, is closing for good just when we needed a place to escape to the most. With Sheriff Keller knocking on every door and neighbour suspecting neighbour, Riverdale, every day that passes, is becoming more like Salem during the witch trials. And meanwhile, the girl next door, our friendly neighbourhood Hitchcock blond, Betty Cooper was wrestling with the unknown knowledge that her best friend, Archie Andrews, was caught up in a forbidden romance.

"The drive-in closing is just one more nail in the coffin that is Riverdale." Jughead rants to Kevin, Ellie and Veronica in Pop's. "No forget Riverdale. In the coffin of the American dream. As the godfather of indie cinema, Quentin Tarantino, likes to say-"
"Please God, no more Quentin Tarantino references." Kevin stops Jug.
"What? I'm pissed. And not just about losing my job. The Twilight Drive-In should mean something to us. People should be trying to save it." Jughead continues.
"In this age of Netflix and VOD, do people really want to watch a move in a car? I mean who even goes there?" Ronnie intervenes.
"People who want to buy crack." Kevin says.
"And cinephiles and car enthusiasts, right Ells?"
"Totally." Ellie replies, having not really paid attention to the conversation at hand.
"Anyway is closing because the town owns it but didn't invest in it. So when an anonymous buyer made Mayor McCoy an offer she couldn't refuse..."
"Anonymous buyer? What do they have to hide? No one cares." Veronica scoffs.
"I do." Jug snaps back. "Also you guys should come to closing night. I'm thinking American Graffiti. Or is that too obvious?"
"I vote for anything starring Audrey Hepburn or Cate Blanchett." Veronica says.
"Or the talented Mr. Ripley." Kevin smiles. "Ellie, your choices?"
Ellie is snapped from her trance, secretly she is devastated that the Drive-In is closing as that is her and Sweet Pea's place to go when they want to escape from family and gang life. It's her best friend's home and Ellie feels terrible as she knows the Serpents are being paid to trash the Drive-In once the movie is over as Sweet Pea asked her to help as it would really help her score some points in the Southside gang.
"Everything okay Ells?" Veronica checks as she sees that she didn't hear anything that was just said.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm just thinking. Maybe, Rebel Without a Cause." Ellie suggests and Jughead flashes her a smile, it's the two's favourite film and also the first film Ellie and Sweet Pea watched together on their first date.
After Hermione brings the food to the four, the bell for the door goes and Kevin's face turns sour. "Now that's an odd combo of people."
Ellie turns to look and sees Archie, Archie's dad and Ms Grundy. The confusion and anger builds up inside her as she knows her sister is still heartbroken over Archie and now is hurting more since she now knows that she got rejected for a teacher. "I'll be right back." She says standing.
"Ellie, no. Don't." Jug tries to grab her but she's out of reach as the three teens watch Ellie Cooper strut down the diner to Archie Andrew's table.
"Hey, Ellie." Fred says and Ellie smiles.
"Hi, Mr. Andrews, Ms Grundy. Archie can I talk to you?" She asks.
"Sure, I'll call you later?"
"No actually, now. Its important. Outside?"
Archie gets up out of the booth with confusion plastered on his face and follows Ellie outside. "Archie, as a good friend of yours, is there anything you wanna tell me?"
"I don't think so." Archie says confused.
Ellie sighs before speaking again. "We know Ms Grundy was at Sweetwater River on July 4th. Were you with her?" Of course Ellie knew he truth, he just wanted to her it from Archie himself, for Betty.
"Did Jughead tell you?" Archie lowers his voice now, Ellie spots the worried look in his eye.
"About what Archie?" The girl folds her arms and paints a smug look on her face, he knows he's been caught out, he knows he's done for.
"It's not what you're thinking." Archie tries to dismiss.
"So it's platonic?"
"Okay, maybe it's a little like what you're thinking."
"Archie are you and Ms Grundy like together? Like romantically?"
"Oh my god." Veronica says walking towards the two. "You and your music teacher are having an affair?"
"We are together. Look, I know that sounds bad, but.."
"Bad? It sounds scandalous."
"Sounds like jail time to me. Illegal!" Ellie exclaims.
"Don't go there."
"Well, I'm already there." Ellie snaps back.
"Ronnie, a little help here?" Archie turns to the Raven-haired girl.
"I mean, technically Ellie's right. And ethically, well what is Grundy to you anyway? Your girlfriend, your booty tutor?" V replies.
"Ugh. I don't know. I don't know what to call her."
"You said you were at the river alone." Ellie sparks up making the redhead turn back to her. "You lied to Sheriff Keller, to all of us. Why? To protect her?"
"She believed in me when no one else did." Archie starts making excuses for himself.
"Okay we get it." Veronica stops him.
"Ellie say something please." Archie says just as the three hear honking and once the turn it's Alice Cooper, coming to pick up Ellie.
"Get in the car Eleanor. Now."
"I wish you the best, just know you've really hurt my sister, again. And it will be the last time. Fuck you Archie." Ellie shrugs and walks away, getting into her mom's car.
"What did I say about those two?" Alice says once her daughter sits and puts her seat belt on.
"I know, let's just go." Ellie sighs and Alice drives off.

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