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Behold, Pop's Chock'lit shoppe. For decades, the heart of Riverdale. Now the latest casualty in the town's ongoing battle against darkness.

"What the hell." Jughead asks as himself and the eldest Cooper sister,who he forgave for being crazy yesterday, approach the small diner on their lunch break. Someone has printed 'DEATH DINER' across the side of Pop's beloved Chock'lit Shoppe.
"Pop?" Ellie calls out once they enter.
"Did you see?" The older guy asks from the counter. "Did you see what they wrote on my Chock'lit Shoppe?
After a short but deep conversation with Pop Tate, the two visit Riverdale High to talk to their friends.
"It's another win for the bad guys. No one was their. His entire staff quit." Jughead explains the Betty, Veronica and Archie.
"He's not sure how long he'll be able to keep the doors open. Maybe not even a week." Ellie adds.
"It's because of what happened to my dad. People are freaking out. I gotta be honest guys, I don't see myself going back anytime soon." Archie says.
"Wait, I'm sorry. Am I hearing acceptance? I'm not letting one psychopath with a gun dictate what happens to our place." Betty speaks up. "Jug you went crazy trying to save the drive-in."
"I can't take on anymore social issues right now. My hands are full." Jughead replies.
"With your dad, of course. And he should be your priority. I'll take point on helping Pop Tate." Betty turns to the group.
"I'll help to Betty. Anything to get me away from my parents, I'm in." Veronica agrees.
"Another B and V team-up? They should really make a video game about you guys. Look, we gotta jet." Ellie teases, then looking at Jughead, signalling him to get up.
"I'm off to meet my dad's court-appointed joke of a lawyer at the sheriff's station." Jughead announces, standing and collecting his things.
"And I am off back to school." Ellie copies Jug's actions.
"I'm gonna come with you Jug, I gotta drop off some flyers off for Sheriff Keller. The three say their goodbyes to Betty and Veronica and walk to the parking area, where they will also separate.

Back in the comfort of her's and her mom's trailer, Ellie is laying on the couch scrolling through social media when there is a knock at their door.
"Jug, hey. How'd it go?" Ellie greets her best friend.
"Is your mom in?" He looks a little shaken up so Ellie lets him straight in.
"No, come sit. What's on your mind, young Juggy." The blond asks as the two sit on the couch together. "What did the lawyer say?"
Jughead sighs before allowing himself to sink back in the couch. "I've been walking around trying to wrap my head around how bad this is." He takes a quick pause and this is when Ellie sees that he's trying to hold back tears so she takes his cold hand in hers. "It's bad." Jughead looks at his best friend, sadness filling his eyes, Ellie, no matter how hard she looked, couldn't find a glint of happiness in them. "My dad is facing 20 years Ellie."
"Jug, that sucks ball. I'm so sorry. Come here." The blond says and wraps the boy in her arms, allowing him to get a few tears out and wet Ellie's jacket a little.
"The lawyer thinks he should take the deal." The boy says once letting go of his best friend, despite not wanting to. "If he doesn't and the case goes to trial, he could be facing 40 years." There was another pause, Ellie feeling bad for not knowing what to say. "I'm just really, really scared." He admits.
"Yeah me too." Ellie sighs.
"Abut what?"

 "I even tried going the legit route, I even talked to the mayor." Jughead explains to Ellie a little later on. "It feels like the system is rigged against us."
"What's FP saying? Is he taking this deal?" The blond asks.
"Not if I can help it." There is a pause as Jughead comes up with an idea. "Ells, what if we bust him out of jail before he gets transferred to state?" Ellie just scoffs at this. "It's totally doable. The sheriff's station has worse security than Riverdale High. And once he's out, it's a straight shot right up Sweetwater River until the Canadian border." Jug tries to justify his idea.
"You've seen Escape From Alcatraz a few too many times, Jug." Ellie shakes her head, and that's when an idea pops into Ellie's head and a smirk accompanies it. "Your dad needs a snake handler. Someone who's livelihood depends on snakes, who's used to dealing with them. I think it's time you met my Mom."
The two teenagers walk into Penny's tattoo shop, Ellie asks one of the guys tattooing where her mother is and he points her in the direction of her office, one of the back rooms, where they first met.

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