House of the Devil

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Like the Red Death showing up in an Edgar Allan Poe story, the Black Hood had come to Riverdale. With that grimmest of reapers looming over us, how did we cope? In the case of Sweet Pea and Ellie, it was through carnal defiance. With every kiss and embrace, they seemed to be saying: ' you have no power over me, Death.' In fact, their relationship became the opposite of death.

"Toni..." Ellie drags out as she slides over to her friend in the bar, once Sweet Pea and Fangs had left to play pool.
"Ellie..." Toni copies.
"I think I'm pregnant." Ellie sighs, keeping her voice quiet. Toni's eyes widen.
"Oh Ells." She sighs too and pulls her friend in for a hug.
"I don't know what to do." The blond mumbles into her friend's jacket.
"Take a test. Hey, i'll come round tomorrow and we'll find out yeah?" Toni comforts. Ellie just nods and turns back around, watching her boyfriend play pool and thinking of the million possibilities and outcomes of their relationship. What if she is pregnant, will it ruin the couple or bring them closer?

To take her mind off of things, she heads to Pop's to meet Jughead and Betty.
"What did you find? Any truth to what that creepy truck driver said about that murdered family?" Ellie asks, placing her coffee mug down.
"Yes. Shockingly, Freddy Kruger didn't lie to me." Jug replies, handing over an old newspaper article to the two girls. "A family of four was murdered by someone the press called the Riverdale Reaper. The victims were Jim and Mary Ellen Conway and their kids. Tommy was 10 and Sue was 9. The Reaper was never caught or identified so he could be our Black Hood. But I'm dubious. He would be in his 60's by now."
"Why did he do it? Kill them?" Betty asks, Ellie taking a look at the article.
"The reporter of the article talked to a sheriff at the time, who thought the killer chose at random or because their house was isolated."
"Where was it?" The older blond asks, mouth full with a biscuit.
"Edge of Fox Forest down a service road. Here's a picture of it."The two sisters look down at the photo, Ellie recognising the place from when she and Sweet Pea used to drive around together when their relationship was a secret. But Betty had a strange look on her face.
"Oh, my God." She says. "Jughead, I've been to this house. The Black Hood sent me to it as part of his game."
"Well then there's definitely a link between the Hood and the Reaper. We should talk to Keller, pull the files from the murders. At least get a list of all the players." Jug suggests.
"No, I can't go to Sheriff Keller. Not after I accused him of being the Black Hood."
"That would be awkward." Ellie says. "We could go to the house."
"I can't go back there, Ells. He made me look in a mirror and what I saw staring back at me, I don't wanna do that again."
"Hey." Jug comforts, taking Betty's hands in his. "And you don't have to, okay?"Jug's phone then starts ringing with the name 'unknown'. The three look at each other strange but he answers anyway."Hello?" He says but then sighs. "Yeah, I'll accept the charges." The two girls let go of a breath as they know it's the prison calling about FP.

"Hey babe." Ellie smiles, walking over to Sweet Pea in the Whyte Wyrm.
"Hey princess." He smiles back, taking hold of her hips and giving her a light kiss on the lips.
"Won't be a second." The blond grins and is released from Pea's grasp, joining Jughead down by the pool table, in front of all the Serpents.
"I have an announcement to make. My dad's getting out." Jughead shouts across the bar. A series of cheers and claps follow.
"When he does, we'll bring him up to speed about our plans with Mayor McCoy." Ellie adds.
"That's brilliant." Tall Boy pipes up.
"Do you have a problem with that Tall Boy?" Jughead sighs, taking control before Ellie can.
"Your old man? No. I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the mayor." The larger man walks towards the two teens.
"I do, He's right." The boy crosses his arms. "I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's gonna take work. And it's going to take compromise."
Tall Boy chuckles as he speaks. "We can bring the Southside back. You both been here all of five minutes."
"Tall Boy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch." Ellie snaps, taking over. "Whispering behind our backs that we're half a Serpent or that we don't belong here. Why don't we put it to a vote?" She suggests, stepping back and addressing everyone. "If you guys think what we're doing is wrong, we'll step aside."
"All those who stand with Jughead and Ellie and think Tall Boy should shut the hell up?" Toni asks, standing and raising her hand. Mostly all the Serpents follow suite, including Sweet Pea who offers a little smirk to his girl as he does so.
Ellie looks back to Tall Boy with a little smile and a head tilt, causing him to walk away. Jug nods to Ellie with a little smirk, knowing they've won.

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