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I just saw the craziest thing


I saw the Gargoyle King in the woods, on the way home from Archie shift


I followed him and I saw him and loads of his disciples, like, worshipping him

Omfg, where were they? Let's go after them

Nooo, we need to know more

Well who could they be?

Archie said Joaquin as he said something about joining a new gang before he ran off

Well Warden Norton was playing G&G
Andddd Joaquin was in the same juvie and was doing his dirty work, hence Archie's stab wound

Exactly! I think the warden could be our Gargoyle King

Who knows at this point, it's a good lead but I think a good chat with our old friend Joaquin is in order. We'll haul the Serpents together tomorrow to try and find him. Don't do anything stupid until then! Love you

I promise. See you at school tomorrow Love you too

Don't remind me about school ew :(
Read at 11:31pm

"Archie is a murderer." Sheriff Minetta announced to the class. Ellie sits on Sweet Pea's lap. They merged two classes together to save time, and luckily, Ellie got put in with her friends, the grade below her. "And we know he didn't escape alone. He had help. Hiding a convict or withholding information from the law is a felony offence. So whoever's aided and abetted Archie Andrews is just as much of a criminal as he is."
"I was busy all day, sheriff." Reggie states, leaning his head on his hand. "You can check my browser history, if you know what I mean." Everyone chuckles but Ellie swears she has never rolled her eyes harder than she just did.
"I don't even know this Archie person." Evelyn Evernever speaks up. "And on Mondays, I host a group for teen Farmies. We are still accepting members."
"Where were you Ms McCoy at the time of the breakout?" Minetta picks on Josie at random.
"Don't look at me, sir, I, uh, I... I was in the music room, practising." Josie stuttered, she was either really nervous for being picked on or she was the worlds worse liar.
"Alone?" He asks and Josie just stares back at him. "Ms Peabody?" He looks to the girl perched on her boyfriend's knee. Ellie scoffs before crossing her arms over her chest.
"Sweet Pea and I were out on his bike all day, we went into Greendale." Ellie states clearly and quickly, having to think off the top of her head.
The sheriff just nods before turning away from her. "I'll be looking into all of your alibis. And if I find out later that someone in here was involved, well, you can say goodbye to this school, your hopes, your dreams." Minetta leans on Josie's desk, intimidating her more. "Your music, your entire future. All of it goes away, just like that. So again, to be clear, if you know anything, now's the time to tell me." As Sheriff Minetta walks backwards from Josie's desk, the girl starts jolting, she's having a seizure.
"Sheriff Minetta, back off!" Cheryl shouts as she rushes to Josie's side. Josie passes out but Cheryl catches her before she could fall to the floor.
Everyone in the classroom has shock written all over their faces, expect for one, Evelyn Evernever who has the most un-fazed, blank face ever. Betty and Ellie both clock this and share a look to say 'I saw that too, what the fuck'.

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