Faster Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

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Fear. It's the most basic, most human emotion. As kids, we're afraid of everything. And we pray for morning. For the monsters to go away, but they never do. Just ask Jason Blossom.

The Cooper girls are all present in the kitchen, Alice thinking about breakfast, Betty sat on her phone at the table and Ellie, perched against the kitchen counter, messy hair and dressing gown, trying her hardest to wake up with her second cup of coffee.
"Oh, Mom, I forgot to mention, I invited Jughead over for breakfast." Betty looks up from her phone and says.
"Oooooo." Ellie teases, winking at her sister. Betty just tuts but sort of giggles in response.
"Hmm." Is all Alice could say. "Are you going to get changed since we have guests now Ellie?" She then asks, after getting out some pancake mix.
"It's only Jughead, he's seen me in worse states than this he won't care." Ellie scoffs. "Besides I think my kitten pyjamas are pretty sexy, he might fancy me after this." She jokes, holding her leg out in front of her Mom, showing off her PJ bottoms. Alice rolls her eyes and Ellie just chuckles to herself, holding her warm mug to her lips once again. Ellie's phone pings and she reads it with a smile. "I actually won't be joining you for breakfast, I have a breakfast date with a certain Lodge. I'll see you to later on, maybe who knows." Ellie shrugs and walks upstairs to get ready. She's not meeting Veronica, that's just her cover, she's really meeting Sweet Pea.


SP: Morning beautiful. 30 mins at Pop's my breakfast treat❤️

Ellie: You're the best! See you soon❤️

"Boo." Ellie sneaks up behind Sweet Pea but of course, as always, she didn't scare him. He just turns and stands to greet her. "Sorry I'm running late, this eyebrow wouldn't go right, they're all wonky. See." Ellie complains, showing her boyfriend her eyebrows.
"They look fine silly, how are you?" Sweet Pea chuckles and engulfs Ellie into a hug.
"I'm fine, your gorgeous self?" Ellie replies and leans up to press her lips against his.
"Better now." He smiles and the two sit opposite at the booth right in the far corner of the diner, that was there little 'secret' spot.
"Only my third coffee this morning and it's already eight-thirty." Ellie tells her boyfriend who just shakes her head.
"Oh I do love you." Sweet Pea laughs, shaking his head. If here's one thing he's scared of it's losing this girl, she's everything he could've ever wanted and more, he's terrified she'll find out the real reason why she can't join the Serpents. She'll feel so betrayed.

Another fun fact about fear.
Sometimes it grows up with you.
Or it curls up inside of you, tightens around your guts.
Archie Andrews? Each fall, Riverdale High hosts a Variety Show.
But this event is no mere student frolic.

"He didn't did he?! That's so embarrassing." Ellie shakes her head once Kevin tells her how he froze up on stage during auditions.
"I know right?" Kev agrees, the two walking through the halls together.
"Oh my fucking god no way. I'll have to see you later Kev. Gotta dash sorry doll." Ellie says after receiving a text from her mother to get him ASAP, Betty went to go and see Polly at the Sister's of Quiet Mercy.
Ellie runs home as soon as she could, she really wasn't going to let herself miss this fight.

"Polly needed to hear the truth. And I did, too." Is what Ellie heard once she came through the front door. All eyes turn on her but the conversation continues.
"So? Did you find what you were looking for?" The girls' father asks, Ellie seats herself at the table, catching her breath.
"To be honest, Dad, no, I didn't." Betty sighs "You hate the Blossoms. You hated Jason, and now Polly is pregnant with his baby.That gives you a motive."
"'A motive'A motive for what?"
"The night of the drive-in, did you break into Sheriff Keller's house and steal his case files? You weren't at the drive-in. You weren't with Mom when she put Ms Grundy on trial. Where were you?" Betty is digging way to deep into this situation, but it is quite entertaining to Ellie.
"Betty, what do you think I did?" Hal asks, shocked
"Did you kill Jason Blossom?" Betty asks, stern look on her face.
"Him? You think that he killed Jason? Our father? You think that he has the stomach for that? I wish he'd killed Jason. I wish I had after what Jason did to Polly." Ellie scoffs.
"I swear, Elizabeth, you're sounding crazy just like your sister." Their Mom adds.
"Stop staying that, Mom. She's not crazy."
"She is, Betty. Did you actually believe the story she told you? About running off to Never-Never Land and raising a family? That's a fantasy, Betty."
"I don't believe you." Betty snarls.
"You don't have to believe us. We're your parents." Alice finishes the conversation there, when Betty walks out.

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