A Kiss Before Dying

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Our story continues. The mayor's jubilee was supposed to change everything, be a new start. But when we woke up the next morning, Riverdale was still, at its heart, a haunted town. Meanwhile, Archie Andrews, who doesn't even have a driver's license yet, is at this very moment careening down the streets of Riverdale, trying to outrace death. Now, I don't believe in miracles, usually. but is was a miracle that Archie got his dad to Riverdale General without wrecking the truck.

Ellie is awoken to the sound of someone banging on the trailer door. She groans as she hears her mother talking to whoever it is, Ellie comes out the of bedroom in just Jughead's jumper from last night and a pair of underwear to see what's happening.
"Ellie!" She hears Jug, he sounds distressed. "Archie's dad's been shot, quick get dressed." He says and Ellie rushes to put on a pair of joggers and explain the situation to Sweet Pea, who insists on coming. The two rush out the bedroom, saying a quick goodbye to Penny and telling Jughead they'll meet him there and Ellie decides there's no time to question why or how Jughead has a motorcycle but instead places her helmet on and climbs onto the back of her boyfriend's.

All five teenagers meet up in the hallway of the hospital, Hermione, Alice and Hal, following them. They spot Archie in the waiting room, pacing up and down, looking distressed as hell.
"Arch?" Veronica gets his attention. "Oh, my God." She rushes to him and engulfs him in a hug, even though he's covered in blood. The rest of the gang, except Sweet Pea, join in with this hug.
"I came out of the bathroom and there was this man, a thief, wearing this hood, with a gun on Pop Tate. He pointed it at my dad and he fired." Archie explains to his friends.
"Oh, my God, Archie," Ellie sighs.
"And then he--" Archie starts but couldn't finish his sentence.
"And then he what?" Veronica asks, softly.
"And then he bolted. And I was holding my dad. Pop Tate called an ambulance and it didn't come so I drove here-- and I don't know, maybe I should've waited. Maybe I made it worse."
"No, dude. Are you kidding me?" Jughead asks, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You saved your dad's life. First Cheryl, and now your dad. If you keep this up you're going to need a superhero name. Like Pureheart the Powerful."Jug says, trying to lighten up the conversation, as he always does. Small sniggers come from the group.
"There isn't any new information." Alice walks over and says. "Your dad's in surgery. He'll be there for a while."
"Archie, have you spoken to your mother about any of this yet?" Hermione bends down to Archie's level and asks.
"No.No, I haven't called her. I'll be right back." He says and walks off to presumably call Mary, his mother.
A loud sigh comes from Alice as she looks towards Jughead and Ellie.
"What?" Jug asks.
"Mom, don't start this." Betty warns.
"Start what?" Ellie asks, confused.
"Of course, I can't help but wonder if your Southside associates ad anything to do with what happened to Fred, I know you both own a Serpent jacket now." Alice challenges the teenagers. Hal tries to warn her to back off.
"Unbelievable. At least you can't accuse my father of being the shooter, considering he's in jail." Jug talks back to Alice.
"Oh, my God. I can't handle this." Veronica moans, sitting back in her chair and rests her head on Betty's shoulder.
"I can't believe you Alice." Ellie stands to face someone she used to call mom. "As soon as I move to the Southside you see me as some 'down and out'. Let's face it you always have, I always was the 'disappointment' wasn't I? Don't you dare accuse the Serpents in being involved in this, especially not in front of a very proud Serpent like Sweet Pea and two up and coming Serpents. I can't believe I loved you as a mother." Ellie scoffs as she walks out of the hospital. "Tell Archie I hope his father is okay, I just can't stay here. Especially not with you here." She gestures to Alice before shutting the door behind her and entering the chill of the snowy day. Sweet Pea soon follows her and grabs her hand, making her jump slightly.
"Let's just go home, back to bed." The young Serpent says to his girlfriend, who smiles and this and places her bike helmet on her head.

Just as the two are nearing the trailer, Ellie's phone rings. She groans but checks who it is.
"Tall boy, hey." She answers, glad it wasn't anyone from the hospital.
"Ellie, I need your help with something. Jughead Jones called on me and asked if I could try and find out who shot Fred Andrews as they may have a personal vendetta against him. Now, I think we've found the guy but as I know you're close with Fred and you have a lot of, how do I say, pent up anger. So, how would you like to do the honours of getting him to fess up?" He spoke and Ellie's body began to tense. "It could show your loyalty to the Serpents?" He added when he noticed the pause on the other side of the phone.
Something almost evil clicks in Ellie and she agrees to meet Tall Boy, telling Sweet Pea that he needs help with fixing his bike. Sweet Pea would never allow her to do this if she were to tell him the truth.
"I'll see you in a bit then, I'll have a takeaway ordered and a film picked." He smiles, and with a kiss on the cheek, Ellie is off.

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