The Wicked and the Divine

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It's a classic trope of mob movies. Rich, High-rolling Gangster take Small Town Kid under his wing. Small Town Kid is ushered into a intoxicating byt dangerous life of crime.

"Sheriff Keller, what a surprise." Ellie answers the door, bobby-pinning her fiery hair in place.
"Ellie, Sweet Pea." Keller says, walking into the trailer. "Sorry to bother you, it's, uh--." He begins before a certain blond buts in.
"We do not have General Pickens' head. And we do not know who stole it." Ellie rolls her eyes, leaning against the kitchen counter.
"Same as the last four times you asked us and our neighbours." Sweet Pea backs Ellie.
"Sheriff, these visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment. There's absolutely no evidence , zero proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects."
"Your friend did write a rather scathing article about the general's legacy, which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by Pickens Day with an axe to grind, you as ring leader Ellie, as always." Keller sighs.
"I'm actually helping him with a new article about how you seem to care more about catching the vandal than catching the Black Hood. Can I get a quote?" Ellie asks sarcastically. Sweet Pea scoffs and Sheriff Keller leaves without another word.
"You are so badass, Ellie Peabody." Sweet Pea speaks low into his girlfriend's ear, grabbing her hips before picking her up, placing her on the counter and planting a tender kiss on her lips. He glances up and the clock and smirks. "We have time for a quickie before school." He says, making Ellie giggle and lean in to attack his neck with kisses.

After a long, boring day at school the two teenager lovers get back to the trailer after a little dinner date a Pop's to see a note on Sweet Pea's trailer door.
"An eviction notice. Great, I haven't been prioritising the rent recently I should've expected this." Sweet Pea huffs, ripping the page from his door.
"Hey, it's okay. We can stay at my mom's trailer until it's sorted." Ellie tries to offer some reassurance, placing a hand round his waist and pulling him in for a hug.
"You get one two?" A fellow Serpent shouts, holding up their notice to Sweet Pea. "We all got 'em." He shrugs, looking down in the dumps.
"Shit." Ellie curses, sprinting to her mom's trailer.
"Sheriff Keller, what are you doing?" Ellie shouts, out of breath as she sees the Sheriff placing an identical notice on her door.
"It's an eviction notice. You, Sweet Pea, Jughead, his dad, pretty much everyone in this place, you all gotta clear out." He explains.
"What? Don't tell me this is because of that statue. For the millionth time Sheriff, we did not decapitate General Pickens." Ellie's tone of voice turns to anger. "You can't use that as some trumped-up excuse to evict us."
"Look, I'm just the messenger. This order comes from the mayor's office. Apparently there's a lot of rent owed here. You all have fourteen days to vacate. And perhaps when you're packing, you might come across the head, Ellie. Calm the waters a little." He says before walking off, not letting Ellie get another word in.
"No, this is not happening." Ellie starts to breath heavy, bursting the trailer door open and breaking down to her knees once inside.
"Ellie." Sweet Pea rushes to her side, holding her as she cries and cries.
He manages to get her on the couch and to stay there whilst he runs a bath. Ever since Ellie was little, a bath always calmed her down. Babies normally hate baths but Alice always told her that she can't remember a time where Ellie was upset to be in or get in the bath. They've always given her some kind of comfort even a whole eighteen years later.
"Baths nice and hot, come on." Sweet Pea sticks his head round the corner after a few minutes. Ellie pulls herself up, still crying. She had finally snapped, she was finally letting out all the intense emotions of the past few months, ever since she found her mother, ever since she joined the Serpents.
As Sweet Pea is knelt on the floor of the bathroom, shampooing Ellie's long locks with so much care and attention, she starts to think about how ever since she joined the Serpents, her life has turned upside down. This is never what she envisioned, this is not how she wanted it to go. Her life was easier on the Northside but her own stupid, curious mind wandered too far and landed her here, crying in the bathtub whilst her boyfriend washes her hair and keeps telling her everything will be fine, she finds that kind of degrading due to her reputation of being a rebel who never seems to have any emotion expect angry. Everyone says her and Sweet Pea are perfect for each other, both emotionless, cold-hearted , violent, mindless, rebellious teenagers but behind closed doors neither of them are like that, like they are two different people when they are out of the comfort of Sweet Pea's trailer.
As Ellie's conditioner is setting in, Sweet Pea pulls the girl close to him, making sure he knows exactly how much he loves her. Nobody ever thought this aggressive, biker, gang member would ever be able to love, but how they were wrong. Sweet Pea really does love Ellie with every inch of his being and he would stop at nothing to keep her happy and be able to stay with her.

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