In a Lonely Place

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What makes a place feel like home? Is it warmth and familiarity? Some idealised make-believe version of the American Dream? Is it love and acceptance? Or is it simple safety? Or it's none of those things. And it's a place where the captain of the football team is murdered. Or maybe it's just a forgotten closet under a well-trod staircase, where it's just you and the mice and the spiders. Like an extra in a Wes Craven movie.
Jughead just about jumps out of his skin when Ellie appears behind him in the boys bathrooms.
"What are you doing in here?" Ellie asks, with a smile on her face.
"Taking advantage of the school's state-of-the-art facilities." Jug jokes, turning back to the mirror. "I think the question is, what are you doing in here?"
Something then clicks in Ellie's brain. "I heard your voice. But really, what are you doing in here?" The teen sighs at his best friend and asks for a minute to get changed. Ellie waits outside and once Jug comes out she follows, like he told her to. He opens the closet under the stairs and Ellie looks inside, he is living here. That's what Ellie thought when she heard him in the showers.
Ellie sighs and grabs her friend into a big hug. "Why the hell aren't you living at home, I thought you were gonna sort things out with your dad." Ellie asks, over his shoulder.
"Truth is, things are a lot worse at home than I let on." Jug replies, letting go of the blond. "He's really fell off the wagon. He hasn't had a job since Fred Andrews fired him. He keeps promising that he's gonna get his act together, but obviously my Mom couldn't take that roller coaster anymore so she grabbed Jellybean and went to live with our grandparents." That's when the bell rings and Jug pulls Ellie from the closet, before someone notices it's there. "Come on."
"God, Jug why didn't you tell me it was this bad. And where does your dad think you are?"
"He thinks I'm couch surfing."
"Screw that, come live with me. I'll bring my Mom round to it somehow."
"This is temporary Ells, I'm going to figure something out, just don't tell anyone. especially not Betty."
"Betty, she's not gonna care." Ellie scoffs. "If anyone's gonna be a snob about it, maybe Veronica."
"Right, well, exactly. Don't tell her either." Jug tells his best friend and then walks away, leaving Ellie standing there in the middle of the hall. The girl takes out her phone and knows just the number to call.
"Hey, Arch. I need a massive favour. It's for Jughead." She smiles down the phone, hoping she's doing the right thing.

"My Mom and Dad don't wanna get the police involved. They don't want anyone to know she ran away, or about her shameful condition." Betty explains to the group of friends during break.
"Please, what decade is this." Veronica shakes her head.
"Well, since Polly knew where Jason's getaway car was, they're afraid that people might think that she burned it and that if she did..." Ellie states.
"She could be the murderer covering her tracks." Jughead finishes of Ellie's sentence, which the blond nods in agreement to.
"Well, who did burn the car?" Archie asks
"Sheriff Keller says it was possible someone was following us?" Betty informs the redhead.
"Oh my God, honestly guys, we should just move." Veronica half jokes.
"What if Polly's really hurt?" Betty worries. "What if whoever killed Jason is coming for her next?" Jughead then places his arm around Betty's shoulder, causing the others to look around in confusion.
"Betty, Ellie even though your parents don't want to, maybe you should go to the police." Archie suggests to the girls, deciding to ignore what just happened.
"Seconded, we can talk to my dad about how he has to be discreet." Kevin adds to Archie's suggestion.
"No offence Kev, but your dad answers to a higher authority than God. The Blossoms, they're the first people he would tell." Jug says.
"And if there's anyone to keep this a secret from, it's the Blossoms." Betty agrees. "They'd twist it around and go after Polly out of spite."
"How can we help? Tell us B. We'll do it." Veronica says.

Later on, Ellie is just about to get in her car when someone calls her name.
"Ellie, you told Archie?" She hears her friend's voice from behind her, yet she notes a slight anger in his voice.
"Jug, you need somewhere to live, I'm sorry but please don't be mad at me, it's all I could think of." Ellie puts on the puppy dog eyes, something she knows Jughead can never say no to. He tuts and rolls his eyes, smiling slightly.
"Look I'm mad and thankful. Because Archie spoke to his dad, I can live with them..." Ellie cuts him off by hugging him.
"That's amazing Jug, who's the best best friend?" Ellie smiles cheekily.
"And, Fred it willing to give my dad another chance at Andrew's construction, and I must say that you are indeed the best best friend. And I love you very much, thank you." Jug smiles, engulfing Ellie into a hug.
"I love you too." Ellie replies over the boy's shoulder. "Anyway, speaking of love. I saw you and Betty in the common room earlier, what the hell is going on there?"
"We had a little moment yesterday. We may have kissed." Jug admits.
"Oh, my God. No way. That is the cutest." Ellie grins. "But just a warning, break her heart, I'll break you."
"Understood." Jug chuckles. "Hey, are you going to see Sweet Pea?"
"Yes why?" Ellie replies, opening her car door.
"I couldn't nick a lift to my dad's could I?" He asks and Ellie smiles again.
"Get in."

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