The Sweet Hereafter

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It was the ultimate cliffhanger. Clifford Blossom had killed himself. But why? Life's not an Agatha Christie novel. It's a lot messier. Turns out, maple syrup was a front for his true business, transporting heroin from Montreal on his trucks. A narrative quickly emerged -- that Jason Blossom had learned about deal old dad's drug running and threatened to expose the truth, which led to Jason's abduction at the hands of a Southside Serpent named Mustang. -- And then to Jason's murder, at the hands of his father. -- Clifford killed Mustang to cover his tracks, making it look like he'd overdosed, and tried to implicate a rival businessman, Hiram Lodge, as having masterminded the whole thing. -- And oh yeah, I almost forgot. Mr Blossom threatened my life, so that my dad would confess to pulling the trigger, even all he did was clean up the mess. And he would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for a group of pesky kids who uncovered the truth. -- Even as Clifford Blossom, consumed by guilt and shame, took the coward's way out. -- Jason's murder had revealed some dark truths none of us were to eager to face. Especially not Mayor McCoy, who wanted every last vestige of corruption crushed like a snake under a boot heel.

At lunch, Ellie is sat with her usual group and Betty is talking about how Mayor McCoy asked her and Archie to speak at the jubilee as they're 'heroes'
"I told her I wouldn't do it. Not unless you're up their with us." Betty spoke to her sister and boyfriend, who were not asked despite being as big a part in this that Archie and Betty. Ellie had being crossing the southside a lot more in the month or so after Clifford was found guilty of murdering his own son, more invested in living with her mom, which herself and Alice have talked through and come to an agreement.
"We appreciate the righteous indignation Betty, we do. But jubilees aren't our thing." Jughead replies.
"Jug, how's your dad?" Archie changes the subject. "Did you get in to see him?"
"Here's the latest. Mayor McCoy wants my dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence."
"What, who's names?" Betty asks.
"The Serpents. Sheriff Keller thinks they're the ones dealing the drugs that Clifford Blossom brought into town."
"He says more and more drugs are hitting the streets. But FP says they're not the ones dealing." Ellie adds.
"Meanwhile, Mayor McCoy hasn't even said the words Clifford or Blossom in public. It's all about how the Serpents are the problem. The villains. This is outrageous. I'm writing an article about this. And not just for the Blue and Gold, for the Register. This is a town story." Betty rants.
"As long as this article doesn't include my dad." Jug warns.
"No it is gonna be about your dad Jug. It doesn't matter how many jubilees Mayor McCoy throws. This town has changed. That needs to be acknowledged. Why are people so afraid of the truth?"
"Speaking of the truth." Veronica begins and stands up at the table. "Archie and I wanted to tell you..."
"We've kissed a couple times." Archie clears up.
"It's okay V. I appreciate you being honest with me. But I'm with Jughead now. if you guys wanna be together I'm happy for you." Betty tells the couple with a smile on her face.
"Thanks. B."
"Thanks Betty."

Ellie heads to the Register with her little sister to show their mom and dad Betty's article about the Serpents and the southside.
"It's the best thing you've ever written." Alice smiles, placing down the paper. "It's passionate, it's compelling. But --"
"But you won't publish it." Betty interrupts. "Why not?"
"You're too involved, both of you girls. People are gonna think you wrote it as a favour to your boyfriend's dad and your sister."
"No, I wrote it because it's the truth."
"It's one version of the truth honey."
"Oh, my God, Mom." Ellie sighs. "You're just as bad as Mayor McCoy. We're just as bad as this whole town."
"The other reason why we don't want this being published anywhere is there's been reports of attacks on the Southside." Alice informs her daughters.
"What?" The two teenage blondes say in shock. Ellie's heart is beating fast as she can't help but think Sweet Pea or her mom are involved.
"Ellie, people, not just the police, are going after the Serpents so I suggest you stay on the Northside for a while sweetheart. The whole town agrees with Mayor McCoy. Crime is spreading. There's real anger out there girls. And they're needing to focus it somewhere. Right now it's the Serpents and we don't want either of you suddenly becoming a target." Alice says to the teens.

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