The Blackboard Jungle

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You know how there are just some towns where bad things always seem to happen? Well, Riverdale has become one of those towns. The most recent horror? The school janitor turned out to be a serial killer. But we were putting him away along with our Christmas decorations. Now we were back to your typical small-town intrigues. Clandestine meeting behind closed doors and the like. Yes, by and large, it was business as usual in Riverdale.

"Students of Southside High, this is your principal speaking." A voice came over the speakers at the Serpents were hanging out at the benches outside. "E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shutdown."
A series of chatters begin to erupt between the Serpents and other students in the area.
"The students will be transferred to other schools in the district, Seaside High and Riverdale High. I believe the statement we're releasing will address your concerns."
"What the fuck." Ellie curses, stubbing out her cigarette.
"You should receive it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. Please report to the front desk to receive your new school placements. Thank you, that is all."

"Riverdale High." Ellie read out from her sheet she was handed. "Fuck." She sighs. She did not want to go back there and have everyone see what she has become. She will be bombarded with questions and comments. She keeps her concerns to herself and conceals them with a smile as Sweet Pea and Fangs seem almost happy to be transfer.
The two boys burst open the doors of Southside High to find Toni and Jughead outside.
"What's going on?" Jug asks the Serpents.
"This hellhole's officially closed. We're done. No more Southside High." Sweet Pea tells him, a smile on his face.
"What? How?" Toni asks, confused.
"They say it's dangerous, it's gonna be quarantined. Who cares? We're all going to different schools." Sweet Pea replies.
"This doesn't make sense. Where are you guys going?"
"Same as you, and you, and Sweet Pea and Fangs. We're going to Riverdale High." Ellie clears up, trying to act happy.
"Think of all those Northside heads to knock." Sweet Pea adds, resulting in him and Fangs play-fighting. They start laughing before running off.
Ellie and Jughead share a worried look.
"We need to tell my dad. Pop's?" Jug asks Ellie.
"Pop's, I'll drive." Ellie replies pulling out the keys to Sweet Pea's truck which is now more of her truck.

"Mayor McCoy has deemed Southside High a public health hazard due to toxic fumes from the methamphetamine lab in the basement." Jug reads out from a sheet of paper.
"There was no meth, just Jingle-Jangle." Ellie sighs, stirring her coffee.
"So the worm turns, and it's back to Riverdale High for you two, huh?" FP asks.
"The way this all went down, something smells fishy." Jug points out.
"Damn straight something smells fishy." FP agrees. "You not wanting to admit the real reason you don't wanna go back."
"What do you mean?" The boy pulls a confused face.
FP looks up at the door. "Oh, she just walked through the door." He says before walking away.
"Hi." Betty walks over to the table. "Ellie, would you mind if I had a minute with Jug alone?"
"Sure thing. I'll see you tomorrow Jug." Ellie gets up and walks out of the diner, touching Jug's shoulder lightly as she walks past and Betty a little smile.

"Everything will be fine, nobody will even notice." Sweet Pea tries to comfort his crying girlfriend.
"Of course they will, they did when I was there, and now I'm going to be walking around with a snake on my back. Great." Ellie rolls her eyes.
"You don't have to wear your jacket."
"And hide the fact that I'm a Serpent. It'll make it look like I'm ashamed. No way."
"I'm sorry Ellie but, who are you?" Sweet Pea asks, and Ellie turns to give him a strange look. "You are Ellie Mayla Peabody, since when has seen given even half a fuck what someone else thinks or says about her. You are gonna walk through those front doors tomorrow and own the fact you are a Serpent. You are who you were always meant to be. Plus, we'll all be by your side."
"You're right." Ellie sighs, wiping the tears from her eyes. "You're right. I can do it. I'm gonna waltz in there and just not give a shit."
"That's the Ellie I know and love." Sweet Pea smiles, moving a piece of hair from her face. Ellie smiles before kissing her beloved.

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