The Noose Tightens

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Welcome to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Home for troubled youths. Where a certain Cheryl Blossom finds herself more troubled than usual. With nary a thing to look forward to, expect for movie nights, during which times Cheryl would imagine what her friends might be doing. As Cheryl Blossom withered, her friends were squaring off on the most public of stages.

All the runners for student body president are up on the stage, and Ellie wasn't up there with Jughead. She was told by Principal Weatherbee that she wouldn't be allowed to help Jughead run because of her 'outburst' the other day and she was on very thin ice at that school. So, she was replaced by Betty, who Ellie knew would do a better job anyway.
"Now, just a reminder that this School Hall is a PTA-sponsored event." Alice says from the podium. "Oh looks like we have our first question." She adds, pointing to the person with their hand up in the audience, Sweet Pea.
"Yeah, no offence to current administration but it feels like no one's looking out for the students being bused in from the Southside. Will that change?" He asks, standing up.
"Absolutely, Sweet Pea. It's our priority. No one should be marginalised or excluded here." Jughead starts off, Sweet Pea sitting down, looking unimpressed. Ellie places her hand in his, sending a smile his way before turning back to the stage.
"Jughead and I will be representing all students, North and Southside alike." Betty adds, before Alice buts in.
"Next question, yes Midge."
"My question is for Archie and Veronica." Midge speaks loud over the hall. "Rumour has it that your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the mayoral election. Won't that negatively affect your working relationship?"
"Archie and I adhere to the old maxim that politics are never discussed at the dinner or cafeteria table." Veronica says, making the crowd chuckle.
"Veronica and I are on the same page about everything, including her family's plans for a prison on the Southside." Archie says.
"In the meantime, we're committed to improving the quality of life at Riverdale High. Which means, more extracurriculars.." Veronica begins but Josie interrupts.
"Reggie and I agree, expect add the fact that we can, and will, deliver results."
"And we're chill, unlike these guys." Reggie says, obviously taking a dig at Veronica for the other day, causing the audience to laugh and Ellie to hang her head. She didn't know so many people knew about that. If Veronica and Archie lose because of that she will feel terrible and will never forgive herself.

"Authorities are searching for witnesses. Anyone who may have more information is encouraged to call the police immediately. It is not yet known how or when the car first entered the swamp, but foul play has not been ruled out." The voice on the TV spoke. Ellie's skin went up in goosebumps as soon as she saw the car.
"They found it, babe." She says as Sweet Pea comes from the kitchen.
Ellie stands to her feet and hurries to the bedroom.
"What are you doing?" Sweet Pea asks, following his frantic girlfriend. When he enters the bedroom behind her, she is pulling the suitcase from the top of the wardrobe. "Ellie!" He shouts, making sure she heard him.
"I have to leave, we have to leave, they're gonna figure it out, you were involved." She sighs, trying to pack some clothes from around the room. "Fuck, I can't believe I got you involved. You got rid of the body. You me, Betty, mom, Chic, Jughead and FP can all go down for this and I don't wanna be here when that happens. That is my whole life, gone, everyone I care about."
"Slow down, Ellie. We don't need to go anywhere, we'll be fine." Sweet Pea keeps calm even though it is freaking him out a little.
"That's exactly what FP thought before he went to jail with all the Jason Blossom stuff." Ellie panics, heavy breathing sets in and she sits on the bed to take a moments rest, trying to avoid having a panic attack.
"Babe, please. How guilty will we look if we leave? And don't forget who we are, they'll suspect us the second we leave Riverdale. You can't run from this." Sweet Pea sits down next to Ellie and tries to console her, placing an arm around her.
"I can't do this anymore, any of it." Ellie sobs.
"Yes you can. You are Ellie fucking Peabody. You are a badass. You are a Serpent, through and through. You -- we, can do this, together."
"I feel sick." Ellie says before rushing across the hall to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet and throwing up everything she had eaten that day.
"Oh baby." Sweet Pea says, crouching next to her to hold her hair and rub her back as she pukes. She wasn't unwell, she was worried and what they did, made her feel sick, everything she saw, it all came back to haunt her all at once. Ellie Peabody is secretly a fragile, soft human but there is a select few people that see that, Sweet Pea at the top of that list.

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