Chapter Nine

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"Let's play truth or dare, or maybe just dare, because no one knows how to tell the truth anymore." ~ Brooke Davis


The next morning, I awaken (myself this time) with a new flame of hope in my chest. I am wanted, for the first time ever, I am needed. It shines a new light on my life and I throw the blankets off me, smiling happily, which I think may be illegal at this time in the morning, when our daily Candor routine begins.

I bound out of bed happily. Nothing can dent my mood today; I am unbreakable. Invincible. Perfect. And then I remember that (a) I’m a pessimist at heart, so I’ll find something wrong with the world, and (b) I still smell like sick. Sighing, but still cheerful, I run and get a shower.

Over the course of the next few hours, I learn more about the people in my group than I’ve ever wanted to know – and that’s not even half of what’s floating around in their pretty little heads.

Today the main questions (apart from some odd trivia ones) are about family, it appears, and I’m just hoping that they won’t be too probing and that we can talk about something less personal to me, like what pet I’ll have if I am ever allowed to own one (apparently in Candor you are). No such luck though, because after a timid boy from Amity smiles and tells us all about his eighteen pet fish, the animal conversation is pretty much exhausted - and dead and buried, and exhumed. So not much scope there.

We start with numbers, because they’re easy. “How many siblings do you have, Amber?” I stare at the lie detector machine that I’m hooked up to, noticing how it picks up my heart rate and the pitch of my voice waves. I stare at it hard, not just because I am itching to take the cover off to examine the mechanics, but also because I don’t really feel like acknowledging the fifteen or so people staring at me. And if I pretend they’re not there for long enough, maybe they’ll just irrationally disappear.

“I have a brother.” But please. Let’s not talk about him! What I’d love to discuss is just how much I’m dying to own a bulldog, so that it can growl at those who poke their noses into my private issues – oh, just like you. What a surprise!

But I look up into the eyes of Jules and Callie, and it’s there that I find the strength to continue. Okay. I’ll answer these bleeding questions.

“What’s your brother’s full name?”

“Eric Peter Seacole.”

“And yours is?”

“Amber Rose Seacole.”

“Why don’t you use your surname anymore, Amber?

“Because I hate my family and I have no wish to be connected to them in any way.”

“Which faction do they currently reside in?”

“My parents live in my old faction, Erudite,” a couple of the boys and the tall rude girl hiss, “But Eric’s been Dauntless for two years now.” Callie makes a noise in the back of her throat like she’s trying to gargle a cockroach, but when I cast a glance at her, surprised, she just mouths, ‘Later’.

When my questioner finally gets tired of picking on my broken home, I breathe a sigh of relief. I’ve been holding my breath for the past minute, more because I was bored than tense. The only person I really want to talk to right now is Callie, to find out why she made that noise (and also how I know what it’s like to gargle a cockroach), but she’s called up next so I don’t get the chance. Instead I collapse (I’m tired because of my lack of sleep due to my overworking mind) against Julian who steadies me and then lets me rest on him, my head pressed into his strong, warm chest while he holds me like he would if I were Callie – although with her, there’s more blushing and awkwardness involved. Now he just looks relaxed and comfortable as I take a peek at his face.  I’m glad he’s found peace someplace in his mind, even if I haven’t quite yet.

Tired, I close my eyes again and lose myself in all that is Julian.

A/N: Aargh Jamber will be the death of me! (In ways that you cannot yet understand. how can.... why... AAAAARRRRRGHHHHH I HATE MYSELF)

anyways, hope you enjoyed this chaptaaarrrrr... i enjoyed writing it. except the house next door is having an extension, and the drills are REALLY GETTING TO ME NOW and my sister keeps watching what i'm doing and i dont feel comfortable witing all this ship stuff around her... or anyone really.

DO YOU LIKE CHICKEN AND SWEETCORN PIZZA because i spent today trying to convince my dad that a) it is a THING and b) it tastes good... it didn't work.

Bonus dedication question - what's Julians biggest secret? Everyone has one ; )

Love ya!

Rae x

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