Chapter Twenty Seven

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The events in this chapter are (hopefully) heart-wrenching.

Take out your tissues,

Rae x


“Carry on my wayward son,

There'll be peace when you are done,

Lay your weary head to rest,

Don't you cry no more.” ~ Carry On Wayward Son, Kansas


There’s already a crowd around the doors when we get there. People are screaming, panicking, because nothing like this has ever happened before. The first rebellion; well, the first that anyone remembers. No civilisation is perfect, no matter how hard Jeanine tries to pretend it.

With Callie’s help, I break into Candor’s only weapon room. I don’t know how to shoot a shotgun, but how hard can it be? Pull the trigger, don’t look back. We walk out, shrouded in armour, our souls in flames. I don’t know why Callie’s suddenly on my side again; maybe she always was, and I just never noticed.

The some of her old colour has returned to her cheeks now - she’s still not talking to me or looking at me, but the wave of depression seems to be gone. It’s like all she needed was a purpose. And fighting, or protecting me, has given her one. 

We run to the back exit and surprisingly there’s no one there. The door’s locked, but I take my throwing knife out and smash it easily. My best friend tears the door almost off it’s hinges and peeks her head out, checking for Dauntless or Erudite. None. She beckons me to follow her, and I do; I would follow her anywhere, so help me.

Just as I’m exiting through the smashed and dented door, Callie and I hear footsteps pounding down the corridor behind us and heavy breathing. We hide on either side of the doorframe, waiting to see who comes out before attacking them without them seeing us. Callie raises her gun up above her head, ready to bring the butt of it down over the head of our tracker and knock them out cold, but as she moves to hit them with force, I hold it in place with my hand. Because the person coming through that door is Julian, panting heavily.

“Amber,” he breathes, seeing me. “I thought you’d gone.” He turns to face me. “You can’t go out there alone - it’s way too dangerous.”

“She’s not alone, Julian.”

Julian wheels round, shocked. “Cal? Is that you?” As though two stripes of camouflage paint could ever mask the face he knew so well. She nods. He turns back to me in disbelief.

“So…” He looks confused. “I thought you two weren’t talking?” 

Callie puts on a facade of toughness and makes her face blank. “We’re not - she needs someone to save her sorry ass again though and I’m the best person for the job.” I can see right through her mental block though. I know I’m right that that little speech was fake; the corners of her mouth were curved into a little protective smile. I smile back at her, as confused as Julian is now. What’s going on with her? I don’t know. I’m just glad that some of her old character is back. I’ll take that and run.

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